Breakfast cereal: know the benefits of consuming it

After a night's sleep, our stomachs wake up grumbling. Breakfast, known as the most important meal of the day, should satisfy us and be nutritious at the same time. That's why many people include breakfast cereal in their morning menu. But do you know everything about him?

Breakfast cereal is a food that can be included in any meal, but it is more common for breakfast as it is a light, practical and nutritious option to start the day. Generally, breakfast cereal is made from cereals such as oats, wheat and corn and is easy to mix with other ingredients such as milk and fruit.

Fiber, carbohydrates and vitamins are present in most types of breakfast cereal. Some, on the other hand, may contain higher levels of fat and sugar than recommended. It is necessary to pay attention to the label of each one of them to understand the benefits and harms of each one.

Despite the possibility of making numerous mixtures using breakfast cereal and the nutrients it provides to the body, this food is on the breakfast tables of only 2,2% of the Spanish population, according to a survey by the Spanish Institute of Geography and Statistics. of 2018.

The low popularity of breakfast cereal in Spain can be explained by numerous factors. Culturally, Spanish people are more used to eating bread with butter or cold cuts. Another factor is the offer of breakfast cereal, which is not as easily found as a kilo of bread, for example.

Still, breakfast cereal can be part of the diet of many families, especially if they know the benefits it brings to the body and routine. See what are the advantages of consuming this food.

Breakfast cereal: know the benefits of consuming it
Image of 272447 by Pixabay

Benefits of breakfast cereal

1) Feeling of satiety

The feeling of satiety manifests itself when we finish a meal and feel satisfied, without having to eat anything else. As breakfast will be the first meal of the day, the idea is that it is not too heavy. In this sense, breakfast cereal allows you to eat in the right amount, without committing excesses and sustaining yourself for the day that begins.

2) Good bowel function

The presence of fiber in whole grain cereal, especially in the one made with corn, is a great ally in the proper functioning of the intestine. It is the fibers that favor digestion and promote the cleansing of the body with each meal. In some medically supervised diets, breakfast cereal can even be used as a weight loss aid.

3) Lowering bad cholesterol levels

Bad cholesterol, LDL, in high levels is harmful to the body, because it can lead to clogging of blood vessels with fat from the liver. So, the ideal is that bad cholesterol is always controlled. One way to do this is to pay attention to food. As breakfast cereal can contain ingredients like oatmeal, which lowers cholesterol levels, it can be consumed with peace of mind and with great benefit.

4) Preventing bowel problems

Breakfast cereal does not have the power to cure bowel problems; but, if a person follows a balanced and healthy diet, it is more likely that he will not have some diseases caused by fatty or industrialized products. In this sense, incorporating breakfast cereal into your diet is a way to bring ingredients that are good for your body, preventing possible intestinal problems.

5) Control of blood glucose index

After any meal, a person's blood glucose level tends to rise. If you incorporate a whole grain cereal into your diet, which is low in sugar (unlike breakfast cereal for children, for example), this glucose spike will not be as high. It is important to point out that people who are diabetic or have high blood sugar levels should not use breakfast cereal as a way to solve this problem. Always consult a health professional!

Breakfast cereal: know the benefits of consuming it
Image of Pexels by Pixabay

What is the best breakfast cereal?

Cereals are divided into three types: whole, derivatives and refined. In the case of breakfast cereal, it is more common to find wholegrain cereals and derivatives, as refined cereals refer to items such as white rice, white flour, among others.

Whole grain breakfast cereal, on the other hand, is made from purer ingredients with more nutrients. They have not gone through a crushing process, for example, and therefore preserve the natural properties of the grain. This is the case for oat, wheat and corn cereals.

On the other hand, refined breakfast cereal is more industrialized, made from flakes of the raw material. It can be made from corn flakes, wheat flakes, rice flakes, etc. It is better to avoid this type of product, because there are fewer nutrients in its composition, in addition to containing more sugar.

From what has been presented, it is understood that the whole breakfast cereal is the one that will bring the most benefits to your body. Choose your favorite between rice, wheat, corn, granola or oat breakfast cereal and preserve the nutrients that each one carries.

Breakfast cereal: know the benefits of consuming it
Image of Ben Lescure by Pixabay

How to consume breakfast cereal?

Breakfast cereal can be eaten in a number of ways. We list some of the tastiest ones for you to try and fall in love with. Check it out below!

1) Classic

The classic breakfast cereal is very simple and refreshing. Mix one cup of cold milk with two cups of cereal and enjoy using a spoon. The cereal will be easier to chew, and you'll still have the milk ice cream to open up your taste buds. Calcium and fiber to start the day with strength and energy!

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2) Colorful

A colorful breakfast cereal is perfect for people who love fruit. Strawberry, banana, papaya, and avocado are cereal darlings, and each pairs best with a specific type of breakfast cereal. Strawberry can be eaten with granola, papaya with chia, and banana and avocado with oatmeal. Try all the combinations and enjoy the vitamins your body will receive!

3) Snack

If you like to start your day by training your teeth, eating breakfast cereal on its own might be a good idea. It's a crunchy alternative that doesn't require any work, as you only need to put the ingredient in your mouth, without any additives. It is not the most nutritious option, because it is interesting to add foods that bring other types of vitamins, but you can eat them once in a while. If you really like this idea, you can even enjoy a mid-afternoon breakfast cereal!

Breakfast cereal is a great way to start the day with health and well-being. Incorporate this food into your routine and see how your body will respond positively to this stimulus. Remember to avoid cereals with a lot of sugar, okay? Enjoy every whole grain breakfast cereal you can find!

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