Body Language: Understand what Epilepsy is

Epilepsy is a temporary but reversible change in the brain. It is not a disease, but a syndrome often resulting from illnesses previously suffered. It is a set of signals that indicate that a group of brain cells is behaving in a hyperexcitable way, that is, electrical signals are disorganized either on one side of the brain or in both hemispheres. Usually, attacks go away on their own, but they tend to recur unexpectedly.

Before diagnosing a patient as a victim of epilepsy, there must be seizures with at least 24 hours between them. Having a seizure just once does not indicate a sign of syndrome. In addition, it is necessary to have confirmation that these seizures were not due to factors such as high fever, for example.

Previously, it was believed by doctors that the use of various medications lessened the effect of epilepsy. Today, due to more in-depth studies, it has been found that excess medication potentiates the effect of seizures. Medical follow-up and a single appropriate remedy prescribed by a professional are enough to control the crisis.

Body Language: Understand what Epilepsy is
sudok1 / 123RF

In her book, Cristina Cairo explains that epilepsy stems from mental paranoia, where the patient is frightened by life and its satisfactions and can also originate from spiritual issues.

Epilepsy second Cristina Cairo

It is the extreme of mental confusion. It is a kind of paranoia in which the person feels persecuted and completely scared of life, unable to feel the satisfactions that the world offers him anymore because he is always rejecting life.

Many epileptic attacks are caused when a person loses control of their feelings and their head starts to generate negative thoughts. She feels like running away to end everything that scares her.

Many cases are spiritual and should be handled out of gratitude to the souls of the ancestors for them to protect against lightless entities.

In any case, the person with epilepsy should become more familiar with spiritualist principles and seek healing through energetic and spiritual balance.

Body Language: Understand what Epilepsy is
Anastasia Lobanovsk / Pexels

If you suffer from this condition, you need to know more about yourself and discover the reasons for your crises. They are related to the right hemisphere of the brain and your spiritual bodies.

Know that you have brought much wisdom and kindness into this life and, therefore, you must immediately express them through exercises of good conduct and thoughts of much love towards people, things, animals and everything that exists. Reconcile yourself with all people and pray for your guardian angel, who is in need of light to see you in this world so dense with emotions. Look for the right people and don't fall into the hands of charlatans from the spirit world who, in addition to making you spend fortunes and even sacrifice animals, will make you easy prey, keeping you at their mercy for the rest of your life.

It is simple to dissolve this “karma” of health: it is enough to exercise in the sense of peace and live in a positive way, creating an atmosphere of love around you. This will make your spirit world fill with blessings and the entities of light will protect you eternally. trust!

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The conflict between parents who do not have peace in their hearts and who fear “invisible enemies” generate children with this type of problem. Therefore, forgiveness and belief in a better world will make this “disease” disappear.

Remember that everything in life needs exercise to make progress. So exercise your mind to seek the balance of your thoughts. As long as thoughts are loose and piled up in your head without an order, the conflict will continue. Harmonize and work ardently for your healing. You can achieve total mastery of your life by practicing good thoughts. Praise people, say cheerful and affectionate phrases, always think about the best and act calmly in your decisions and opinions. Don't fret. Relax!

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