Bad skin? Solve it with these 6 fruits!

In a perfect world, none of us would have a single pimple. Never! Yes, someone needs to write a fairy tale about this! But in reality, many of us have a pimple or two (especially women, when we are in those days). And some of us will end up having even more than that.

If you are a person who is looking for a solution, know that there is hope. There are some foods you can eat (some you can even put on your face) that will help you to reduce the oiliness of your skin, reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process. What we are going to share with you are some delicious fruits that will help you to have a much more beautiful skin.

1. apples

Bad skin? Solve it with these 6 fruits!An apple a day will not only delay your visit to the doctor, but acne as well. They're full of antioxidants that help fight free radicals, fiber that keeps constipation from being a problem (these toxins help unclog your pores), and they can also detoxify your liver. As for your skin, the water inside the fruit helps keep it hydrated. It also contains collagen that will brighten your complexion. And if you mash an apple with sour cream and put the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, this combination will help to remove acne and sunburn.

2. Blueberry (Blueberry)

Blueberries are one of the healthiest foods in the world. It is rich in vitamin C and K. It helps protect your skin from the effects of aging. It has low cholesterol and few calories. Aged skin? Blueberries have salicylic acid. Substance widely used in acne-fighting products because it helps to remove dead skin, clean pores and get rid of acne caused by bacteria. Mix some blueberries, squeeze some lemon juice, add a spoon of honey and let the mixture sit on the affected areas for around 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. You will feel immediate relief.

3. Pumpkin

Unless you're passionate about pumpkin seeds, you've probably never wondered if it's a vegetable or a fruit. Technically, it's the last option. It can improve your eyesight, lower your blood pressure, and even improve your sleep quality. As a skin benefactor, pumpkin is a combo of several vitamins, including vitamin B&C, potassium and zinc. Zinc is essential in fighting acne. And in addition, it also contains niacin, a substance responsible for increasing blood circulation, leaving the skin even healthier.

4. Strawberry

Bad skin? Solve it with these 6 fruits!Strawberry is the most delicious way to take care of your health. The vitamin C it provides boosts your immunity and helps keep your skin youthful. It also contains antioxidants and phytochemicals that help reduce joint and skin inflammation. In addition, this fruit is full of fiber and folic acid (folic acid contributes to cell renewal). And the acid found in strawberries keeps your skin's oiliness under control. In addition, this food also helps to lighten acne scars. You can mash some strawberries and add some brown sugar. Apply the mixture on your face. This combination will act as an exfoliant, removing dead cells and working deep into your pores.

5. Bananas

You are vegetarian? Bananas can provide you with a lot of protein that you need. They also have copper, vitamin B6 and potassium. They help moderate blood sugar, improve digestion, are low in calories and high in fiber (perfect for losing weight) and even lessen cramps. For aging skin, bananas provide moisture, vitamins and minerals that help make your skin glow. They also contain antioxidants that help remove dead skin cells.

6. Avocado

Yes, avocado is a fruit. And one of the most amazing! It has vitamin B5, B6, C, E and K. It is rich in fiber. Helps keep your eyesight healthy. It also supports heart health, prevents cancer, and studies show that avocados also help with weight loss. To smooth acne scars, drink avocado juice. Mix it with some milk and honey, this combination will help heal your blemishes from the inside out. Avocado Popsicle is also tastier than it looks!

  • Text written by Amanda Magliaro Prieto of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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