Astigmatism: trust more in certain situations and people around you

Astigmatism: trust more in certain situations and people around you

If you have ever been diagnosed with a simple imperfection in the curvature of the eyes, then you are a carrier of astigmatism.

Astigmatism occurs when the cornea has a greater curvature in one direction, which ends up distorting vision for near and distance.

The cornea is normally round. In astigmatic, it has an oval shape. Therefore, the light rays do not arrive perfectly at the same point on the retina. Some are aimed at more than one point, while others may reflect in front of or behind it. Therefore, the image brought to the brain becomes blurred and/or distorted.

People with astigmatism see blurred images and may experience headaches and burning eyes followed by redness, caused by visual strain.

Correction of astigmatism can be done through glasses, contact lenses (custom-made) or refractive surgery.

Cristina Cairo, in her book, says that people with astigmatism have great difficulty in making things easier, and they tend to make a problem more complicated and tiring than it really is.

Cerebral Astigmatism according to Cristina Cairo

The normal cornea is a perfect segment of a sphere and behaves like a flawless lens, which deflects all light rays to a given focal point. Astigmatism is a vision defect resulting from the difference in the radius of curvature between two or more meridians. Instead of one focal point, there are two and, therefore, the individual cannot focus, simultaneously, on the same plane, everything he sees. An astigmatic who picks up, for example, a sign in the form of a cross will not be able to focus on both the horizontal and the vertical arms at the same time. He can only do it separately. People who have this type of problem tend to complicate everything and do not facilitate their thoughts. They cannot act without first deducing consequences from the facts. If someone presents them with a solution to the problem, they will soon find that it will not work even before a close analysis. They always believe that there is another way to solve it, or that there is no way at all, and in their mind the problem becomes complicated and tiresome.

You who have astigmatic vision, remember to trust the people who like you more. If the problem is too big, relax and ask for help without question, because other people who have a broader view of life can show you that it's not that complicated.

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Don't suffer for what you find difficult to solve, even because it's your mind that is confusing you. Want to see everything calmly and forget about pride. Suggest that life is simple and pleasant to live and that the world is exactly what we believe it to be! So design it with harmony and patience. Love yourself first and โ€œlet goโ€ from your heart what scares you.

Astigmatism is caused by mental distortion of those who are easily irritated when other people try to control their path or direct them in their thoughts. Cherishly accept the things you see and be a joyful and positive person with those around you. This will make it easier for you to understand the intentions of the world.

Did you realize that you are a divided person?

Could it be that you still haven't realized that your suffering appears most strongly when you have to decide between two important things?

Be simpler and more determined and stop complicating! 

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