Myths and Truths About Regression Therapy

    Regression Therapy, like any other complementary therapeutic procedure, aims to provide the individual with more knowledge about the real causes of their current difficulties and how to overcome them. Here in Spain, there is still no culture or habit of looking for a therapeutic procedure in order to increase knowledge about oneself, to overcome one's limitations and live a full life, or to promote the evolution of one's soul. In general opinion, anyone who seeks therapy is because they have "problems" - and a few decades ago, the current opinion was that the person in therapy must be "crazy".

    How are blocks formed?

    We generally avoid feeling pain or discomfort. When a person encounters a barrier (a traumatic event), it becomes difficult to achieve complete self-realization, forming areas of resistance, friction and tension. Blockages distort the perception of reality and the understanding of the individual's own inner manifestations and feelings. Vital energy needs to flow. If it encounters “small” roadblocks, it bypasses them and maintains its course. But if the energy is constantly diverted and dammed, the individual will exhibit inappropriate or inexplicable behavior.

    During a regression session, we try to bring to the surface, or rather, to the conscious mind, those traumatic facts already buried deep in memory, but which continue to prevent our life from having more flavor, more quality. Releasing the memories, understanding the real reason for the blockages, these will be eliminated and the energy will flow again without impediments. Consequently, the individual will feel full, confident, whole and will strengthen their capacity for perception and understanding, allowing them to make decisions with a degree of clarity and adequacy hitherto never felt.

    One of the great myths regarding Regression Therapy is the fear of “going away and not being able to come back”. The client should be in a relaxed, loose posture, but their conscious mind will be present throughout the session. Even if the person reaches a deeper Alpha state (brain waves related to the state of relaxation), at no time will he “erase” or “travel”. What she's going to do is open her own memory files, which were locked away for a long time. And she will “read” these files as far as her Higher Self sees fit, according to her emotional and spiritual maturity.

    During a regression session, the client is conscious. Every night, when we sleep and dream, we “travel” with our subtle body in the astral world – and very few people make this “travel” consciously. It takes effort and study to master the art of consciously projecting yourself on the astral plane! So, there is no danger in performing a regression session. Nobody goes anywhere.

    Myths and Truths About Regression Therapy

    Another recurring fear is that during the session “portals” to the past may be opened, and that bad things will emerge from there. Regression can bring up certain not very pleasant stories and pictures. But no portal is opened, it's not a magic ceremony! You will be accessing the reading of a very special “book”, as it recorded the story of your soul! If we understand civilization as a process that began millennia ago, it is clear that humanity has gone from a state of savagery and struggle for survival to a more civilized state, with the awakening and evolution of culture and education. And if we live several lifetimes here on this planet, we also go through this process, which never ceases. Many times we had to fight and even kill to survive. But if we did, there was a reason and a time when this was necessary.

    Bringing these events back to the conscious mind only happens if there is something still to be understood and overcome. And you are remembering your story, not a fictional story. How many times do we forget who we are and where we are watching an interesting movie, for example? We root for the “good guys”, we hope the bad guys get a punishment, we completely lose track of the hours, absorbed. When the film ends, we return to our lives, perhaps still impressed by the plot, but we still resume our lives, of being who we are.

    If the soul is ripe to take the next step in its evolution, regression will serve as a useful tool for the soul. If not ready, each one's Higher Self will protect the conscious mind from any memories that could destabilize it. And then there are other equally effective therapeutic alternatives. What shouldn't happen is not facing fear and getting comfortable, thinking that there is no solution to problems. It is worth discovering the real cause of our difficulties; the gain is priceless.


    “Why go to therapy? ” – Luis CT de Freitas – Agora Publishing, São Paulo

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