8 destinations that will renew your energy and help you find inner peace

8 destinations that will renew your energy and help you find inner peace

There is no time in the year that most Spanish people look forward to other than the holidays, mainly because this is the time we can take care of ourselves, discover new places and escape the crazy routine of everyday life. If this is your case, or if your ideal trip idea is to go to that magical, mystical place full of energy and good vibes, we have selected some destinations that perfectly match your next itinerary. These wonderful places will help you find inner peace and will also renew your energies.

Abadiania, GO

Thousands of people arrive in Abadiânia, in the interior of Goiás, from several countries around the world. The city is small, but its fame in the spiritist world is great, mainly because of the medium João de Deus, who has even met the American presenter Oprah Winfrey. In addition to it, Casa Dom Inácio de Loyola has hosted figures such as Lula and Dilma Rousseff.

Between España and Goiânia, the city doesn't even have 15 thousand inhabitants, but its hotel capacity and the number of people dressed in white who want to cure their various ills with João de Deus are impressive. If the idea is to renew energies and seek spiritual comfort, this place does not disappoint. Even the most skeptical have admitted that the spiritual strength and positive energy within is indescribable.


If there is one country in the world that will be able to renew your spirit and teach you to see life from a completely different point of view, it is India. With the strong presence of Hindu culture, several temples and the enormous faith in spiritual guides and in the existence of previous incarnations, India is a culturally rich country full of enriching traditions.

In addition, the country has many places that will take your breath away! Strolling through the Taj Mahal, getting to know the Ganges River, walking through the regional markets and even experiencing a little of the amazing and enchanting daily life of the Indians will make you perceive the world and people in a different way.

Now, if the idea is really to meditate and practice activities that enrich you spiritually, look for an Ashram. These spiritual retreat centers are mostly far from the big cities, mainly because that's where Hindus tend to go to seek inner peace and discover more about themselves. In an Ashram you will find motivation to, through meditation, yoga and other Hindu traditions, get to know yourself and evolve spiritually.

Holy Land, Jerusalem

Full of meaning for Christians, Muslims and Jews, the Holy Land is the pilgrimage destination chosen by many religious adepts from different corners of the world.

In Hebrew, Jerusalem means “City of Peace”, and the site is a top destination for believers looking to get closer to physical symbols of their religion, reaffirm valuable beliefs or renew themselves spiritually.

For each of the different religions that consider Jerusalem a holy city, the reasons and motives may even be different. But if there's one thing even the least religious can agree on, it's that the energy and faith present in this city are exciting and can benefit everyone.

Machu Picchu, Peru

There are many reasons that make Machu Picchu one of the most magical cities in the world. In addition to the breathtaking view of the mountains, valleys, trails and enchanting landscapes, Machu Picchu is still loaded with history and meanings, starting with the place where it is located. Thousands of years ago, the entire structure of the city was created so that the citizens chosen by the Inca king lived in a sacred place, surrounded by blessed mountains (as they were the parts of land closest to heaven) and could study and improve their knowledge. Around it, another fact that leaves us open-mouthed is the shape of the mountains there, which draw the perfect outline of a face looking at the sky. It's chilling!

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But the mystical characteristics of the enchanting Machu Picchu do not stop there. All buildings in the city were made with an energized white granite. In fact, it is impressive how, even so many years ago, the Incas already had such deep knowledge about spirituality and mystical energies. After thousands of years of construction, these stones have now reached the state their creators wanted: they suffered natural wear and tear and evolved into a pure, white stone full of good energy that today enchants thousands of tourists and visitors.

Vatican, Italy

Getting to know the city where the charismatic and dear Pope Francis lives is the desire of many faithful of the Catholic Church. The Vatican in Italy is the center of Catholicism's power and spirituality. And, in addition, those who have had the opportunity to attend a mass in that environment – ​​and with the presence of the Pope – described the experience with adjectives such as “magical”, “unique”, “exciting” and “full of good vibes”.

If Catholicism is not your thing, the tour will not go unnoticed. That's because the basilicas are beautiful, the charming museums and the works of art scattered around the city will leave you impressed. Everything there exudes culture and history, and those relics are a full plate to transport us to a world totally different from what we are used to. Enjoy without moderation!

Himalayas, Asia

The Himalayas is the highest mountain range in the world, located in Asia. Among the five countries it passes through (India, China, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan), these rock formations present magnificent landscapes and unforgettable trails. Mount Everest, over 8 meters high, is the highest point of this massive range, and it is just one of more than 100 mountains that rise above 7.200m in altitude.

A simple walk through the “abode of snow”, as it means in Sanskrit, can be considered an incredible journey of self-knowledge and renewal of energies. If you want, you can still visit Mount Kailash, considered the holiest peak in the Himalayas. There, many people venture out in search of spiritual peace and connection with the primitive lives of the local people. It will certainly be an unforgettable trip.

Wailing Wall, Israel

Located in the western area of ​​Jerusalem, Israel, this is considered by Jews to be the holiest site in the Holy Land. Just over 50 meters long, this retaining wall is so important because it is the only part accessible to Jews that remains of the Temple of Solomon, destroyed in 70 BC by General Titus. As the rest of the wall that still exists is under Muslim rule, the Western Wall, as it is also known, is the point where the faithful meet to pray and make their requests.

Aparecida, Sao Paulo

One of the main tourist destinations in the State of SĂŁo Paulo, Aparecida is known for containing the largest shrine in the world dedicated to Nossa Senhora Aparecida, the patron saint of Spain. The movement in the city is so great that around 200 faithful pass by annually on the October 12th holiday to see the image of the Saint, found in 1717 by fishermen.

In addition to the Basilica of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, with capacity for 45 people, Aparecida also has important points such as a sacred museum, a viewpoint, the Passarela da FĂ© (with a beautiful view of the city) and the Sala das Promessas.

If you want to know even more about the region, there is a pilgrimage called Caminho da FĂ©, inspired by the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, from Spain, which travels more than 500 kilometers to Aparecida, passing through SĂŁo Paulo and Minas Gerais.

  • Text written by LaĂ­s Mori from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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