Day Zero – Change your life in 21 days

Day Zero – Change your life in 21 days

HEADS UP: This text is part of a 21 Day Cycle physical, mental and spiritual healing process. For greater understanding, we advise you to start the cycle from the He is Zero. At the end of each article you will find links to all the days.

Beloved Ones, this is the title of a short 5 minute video that I am going to share with you. I only advise that, when you hear that the dog's name was "depression", interpret it as "problem", that is: anger, anguish, loneliness, illness, anyway... your problem... Although it is already well known, I think this video is a good introduction to start the process of 21 day cycle cure.

Beloved, as we have seen, our problem can be HUGE, much bigger than us, but if we accept and welcome it, from then on it is possible to dominate it, until it becomes a gentle dog that fits in the palm of our hands.

In this post, I share with you a little bit of what I went through and what I'm going through right now with “MEU CACHORRO PRETO”, which gave rise to the idea of ​​posting daily the step-by-step of this 21-DAY CYCLE HEALING TECHNIQUE.

healing cycle

In 2009 I went through a strong emotional stress that generated some serious complications in my body that required a uterus extraction surgery at the time. Well, that's in the past, but it was from my total healing (without surgery or medical intervention) that I became a writer, reporting in the book SENSITIVES (Cultrix-2009) how the healing process was through mental techniques and Faith . It is fiction, but right in the introduction of the book, I already report that 90% of the content was based on real events and only 10% was pure fiction…

Soon after, I wrote “Mother is Mother – tales and chronicles”, with exciting cases between mothers and children. In this, also in a fictional way, I told the “tragic” story of two of my children, who were “condemned” by medicine as having various physical and mental disorders due to neonatal complications…

Today they are beautiful, intelligent, healthy men with ZERO sequels. But that's not even that paranormal, since by medicine I could never be a mother…. And so far, there are 4 children. With these books I became famous, I was called to give interviews on radio and TV stations, because the central message of the books caught the attention of many people who did not find their cures in medicine or conventional therapies. This message is:

Everything is possible when you have faith in yourself.

My articles and interviews helped many people and my therapeutic care schedule was packed. Many imagined me with a turban on my head... (laughs), this still happens today, despite having always made it clear that I am nothing more than a human being full of complications, but a student of parapsychology for 25 years.

The techniques I apply to my patients have quick results because I teach them the principle and practice of each one of them, in addition to the clarity that everything only works if they have "faith in themselves", thus freeing patients instead of "imprisoning them". los” in years of therapies and dependence on the therapist… Thanks to God, to studies and a little gift, I have around 98% of positive results, either in curing or improving the patient's “problem”.

Well, life is dynamic for everyone, and it was at the end of 2014 that I went through one of the worst phases of my life.

Emotional issues once again shook my physical body, aggravating my old condition of endometriosis and acquiring heart problems. This evolved in 2015, but I tried not to look to conventional medicine (which was and is a big mistake).

In the middle of the way, in February, “my personal problems” became more serious and to prove the systemic theories and constellations, instead of having a nervous crisis or convulsion, the one who convulsed was one of my children who, with only 8 years old had a cardiac arrest and was resuscitated and treated for a few days in the pediatric ICU of Santa Casa de Sorocaba. Cause: EMOTIONAL NERVOUS SEIZURE! …

It's personal, this is paranormal: the most sensitive and especially children capture the tensions of the environment and their parents' emotions...

I deal with this constantly by making constellations with adults and children, I cite in my books many cases of unexplained diseases in children that, only with investigations, it was possible to identify the emotional cause, mostly captured by problems of their parents or other members of the family system.

For me this is quite normal and is already explained by quantum physics, morphic fields and several scientists, but of course I was devastated when it happened at home with one of my children. I really believe that it was through prayer chains made from a post on facebook, that my little one was getting better day by day and today I have another son without physical sequels…

After that many things happened. My children and I changed houses, lives, schools, but still the “problem” continued, after all a systemic family problem can only be solved within the family system itself and unfortunately this was not accepted by all members of our system .

It got worse, my physical body felt it and it was necessary medical interventions with cardiological treatments among others.

Yesterday I had a seizure and with it a very strong insight that I dare to call epiphany (understanding things in a global way)…

Like the premonitions I've had during other seizures. For those who don't know, research proves through reports that with each seizure the person always brings something from "the other side"... “still crazy” (laughs). Although that doesn't matter, because this world belongs to the “crazy ones” and it was these that after years were recognized as great geniuses of our history and from “their crazy theories” that started what we call SCIENCE. (I wish… it's just a comparison that the label of “crazy” can be seen as a huge compliment).

Save the crazy ones!

Well, I take care of people who suffer from their issues, from serious emotional and psychic problems to serious physical illnesses and I can say that everyone has an improvement in the condition, if not the total cure of their problem.

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These people trust me and see in my theories and techniques “a light at the end of the tunnel”, since the world “out there” does not understand them and they cannot let go, expose themselves, so as not to be marginalized.

Well, just before convulsing, I was questioning why “IN CASA DE FERREIRO, THE SPOT “HAS” BE A PAU”… Wow, where’s my God, who governs all my appointments, regressions, constellations, etc… “WHY DID YOU ABANDON ME???. Did he really abandon me???

I've always had the habit of sharing my personal and professional experiences with my readers (instead of having everything in a circle of "friends"... Ah.. speaking of "friends", without generalizing, often when we need them most they disappear with the same how quickly they appeared in our lives while we were in the spotlight.

Has this ever happened to you?

In all my texts and books I try to fictionalize or “disguise” at least 10% of all content so as not to involve names and situations that identify people.

But the idea has always been to help and show that therapists, scientists, spiritual leaders, writers, anyway... are human and also have their questions, but with their studies, they can and should share their experiences in search of helping more people get out of " where they are” to a much more comfortable, loving and safe place…

Certainly the phase I'm going through would yield another successful book, however, for those who don't know, in Spain an author receives 8 to 10% of the book's value and ends up spending more than that on travel, interviews, clothes, events, etc. … it's an investment because the book generates FAME and STATUS to then profit from occasional lectures, for example….

But, I've been through it. I have everything I wanted in this life (materially speaking), and I can guarantee that nothing material brings what I seek today, health and happiness for me and my family.

So, in the same way that I already achieved healing the first time, reported in my book SENSITIVES, I had the "said" insight that this time, instead of a book, I should share my NEW healing through some techniques I teach my friends. patients. The great understanding of the story was: "Nothing happens if we don't have faith in ourselves", as one Raquel Koury said... I realized then that I let emotional issues affect my physical body and my soul...

“When did I really stop looking at myself while trying to heal and embrace the world?”

I realized that everything I'm going through today is a reflection of an entanglement that I let myself get involved, suffered by many people I call PADAS (Person who Love Too Much), they love their partner, their children, their studies, the results of their work, finally... they love so much that they forget to love themselves, which is a great incongruity, because you can't love anything and anyone if you don't love yourself first (there's the conflict, the entanglement). I've worked with groups of MADAS and HADAS (women and men who love too much), how did I fall into this trap? … Simple, I faltered like every human being, and now I have to repair the damage.

I'm a big believer in "ear pulling" from the Universe... and I know this one was in my ear!

Well, the Insight is that I should declare that in 21 days I will be in my best physical and emotional state (before that happened). This would give courage and courage for some readers who are in trouble to be motivated to accompany me in this process, of course they must also have the "FAITH IN THEMSELVES" to change their lives along with me with a cyclical step-by-step 21 days…

With the face and courage that I ALWAYS had and that, even the “mute outside” saying that I shouldn't expose myself... childhood). Maybe this will help you, who reads me now, maybe it's for someone you know… one way or another, remember… NO JUDGMENTS! While some laugh at things like these, many have already healed, and many others are gone.

Thank you for reading this introductory text, thank you for Serem, thank God for everyone I could help, but it's time to change the saying that “in a blacksmith's house, the skewer is made of wood”… in my not, guitar!!! – I have 21 days to post pictures that are much better than these. Below, some photos of how I've been in recent years and what state I've been in since the end of 2014 until today, due to emotional problems.

Beloved, today I DETERMINE that I WILL get out of this phase and that in 21 days from this Friday, I will post better photos that show the brightness of my green eyes and not the anguish of this look of a wounded soul. I don't know the problem with each of you.

I know mine hurts and it hurts a lot!

I also know that as human beings we always think that our problem is the biggest in the world... this is normal, because only we really know the weight of the suffering we have... The anguish that suffocates, the loneliness that accompanies it, the pain of exclusion , from rejection, feeling like “the pomace of the orange”… Everyone has their “black dog”, mine starts to lose its grandeur and strength now!

It is in the name of the recovery of my physical, psychic, emotional and spiritual and also, for my soul to stop hurting (this is possible, souls hurt!), I start the 21-day cycle with you. I will post here the techniques for each day, including the distance reiki sendings that we will do together and by appointment. Day by day we will exercise the body, mind and soul with Faith and certainty of success. How about taking a picture of how you are today and another 21 days from now?

Cycle day zero: initial cleaning

It's very simple. Today is our day zero. It's the day to start a physical, psychic and emotional cleaning. You will spend a total of 1 hour to take these first 2 steps:

1 Step

Take any part of your home or office that needs cleaning, cleaning and/or organization and face it. It can be your bedroom closet, or that shelf full of unused things, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that you start and finish a cleaning and organization in this place, looking to throw some things away... letting go.

This should be done in silence, because while you clean and organize something material with your physical body, you will at the same time clean your mind... playing, deleting some things outside and organizing the big mess that is inside!

For this, use imagination, mentalization and visualization and even if you don't "see" the mental cleaning, firmly believe that it is happening. The certainty of success that we call FAITH is essential for healing and transformation to take place.

2 Step

Even if you don't know anything about this Hawaiian Ho'oponopono cure, or if you already know and practice it, today… just for today, don't judge anything and anyone! Just BELIEVE that this 20 minute meditation will bring you immediate relief because we are joining forces, we are many, all connected and with the same goal: HEALING, PEACE!

After these two steps, I can guarantee that in addition to the immediate relief, you will be ready to start our 21 day cycle, which should start next Friday (preferably). From the 1st day of the Cycle onwards, you will find each day of the cycle on this site daily so that you can follow and be connected in the same tune and energy as hundreds of readers who will also be participating. Step by step, drop by drop and day after day, we heal each level of our BEING.

You believe? If so, mark the day that you will be fully healed on the sheet. Count 21 days from your 1st cycle day and write: “Thank you for the cure achieved! ”

Come on?

Kisses on the soul and CDS!

“Have you read this text and felt a little lost? It is part of a 21 day Healing process. If you are not following, or if you still want to refer someone, start with day “zero” by clicking on the images below!”

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