5 delicious foods that are bad for our health

    When it comes to food, one of the biggest human regrets is that the most delicious are also the most devastating to our health. Here's a first list of some of them that are great for the palate, but terrible for our well-being.

    5 delicious foods that are bad for our healthdough ice cream: In addition to being low in nutrients, that wonderful ice cream shop per kilo can guarantee you considerable weight gain. The fact that pasta ice cream is rich in sugar, the substance is quickly absorbed by the body and will turn into fat. To give you an idea, a scoop of ice cream, around 60 grams, can reach 130 calories, a proportion equivalent to 18,5% of the daily values ​​of saturated fat that an adult needs.

    Soft Drink: This is a serious problem. If a person drinks a can of soda a day, at the end of the month he will have consumed about a kilo of sugar. Not to mention the fact that it discourages the healthy habit of drinking water, sodas can also cause greater risks of stroke and respiratory problems.

    Cooling Diet: Well, dear reader. Sorry to be the bearer of this sad news for you who, after reading the second item on our list, immediately thought about buying a zero soda. Unlike items 1 and 2, the good news is that diet soda is not high in sugar, quite the opposite. By the way, we forgot to mention that soda, diet or not, has gas, so it interferes with the control between hunger and satiety, which can cause greater food intake. The solution proposed by diet soda, the fact that it has no sugar, is also a serious problem: the excess of artificial sweeteners that the product contains increases the chances of kidney stone formation. Another harm that can be caused by the intake of diet soda is the development of arterial hypertension, as they intensify the work of the kidneys and liver because they are not absorbed by the body.

    5 delicious foods that are bad for our healthBacon: This one doesn't even have much to say. According to a study carried out by Harvard University, the daily intake of 50 grams of processed meats, such as bacon, increases the risk of heart problems by 42% and by 19% the risk of type 2 diabetes. with Kevin Bacon.

    French fries: “Uh, but the potato is a tuber and I grew it in my own garden. Is there anything healthier than that?” The biggest problem is not the potato, but the “frita” that accompanies it in the name. If on our list we put five foods that are bad for your health, you can also make another list with four reasons why you should avoid eating French fries: saturated fats, trans fats, excess sodium and carbohydrates. It is worth noting that the potato played an important role in the fight against hunger, especially in Europe, a few centuries ago. Luckily, they weren't in the habit of frying them yet.

    It's friends, life is less pleasant with this information. But in the same way that there are delicious foods that are bad for your health, there are also simple gastronomic techniques that make other healthy foods as tasty as those mentioned in the list. As the Greek philosopher Socrates said: we have to eat to live and not live to eat, even if that is more difficult in a world with fries and soda.


    • Text written by Diego Rennan from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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