20 foods that strengthen immunity

Are you one of those who live with a cold? This is because your immunity is weak, and a balanced diet makes the body resistant to diseases. Check out the 20 foods that strengthen immunity and put it on your shopping list.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are foods that improve the immune system, because they are rich in vitamin C. Orange, lemon, acerola and kiwi are some sources of this antioxidant that strengthens the body's natural defenses. Consume for breakfast and snacks between meals.


20 foods that strengthen immunity
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Source of vitamins B6 and C, ginger rids the body of germs and bacteria, which strengthens immunity. The root can be chewed, consumed as a tea or as a spice. It is not recommended for hypertensive patients as it is a thermogenic food.


Rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, a substance that the body converts into vitamin A, a nutrient responsible for warding off infections. Hypertensive patients should avoid food, as it is thermogenic. People with gastritis should also avoid it.


Lycopene prevents the attack of free radicals. And what's the result? Strengthened organism. Make salads, soups and juices, as the tomato is a fruit.


20 foods that strengthen immunity
Sydnei Faith Woodward / Getty Images / Canva

Great for those who get a cold often! Eucalyptus protects against respiratory infections. Drink a cup of tea from the plant 2 times a day, or blend it with fruit juice.


The trio of vitamin C, selenium and zinc prevent colds and flu. Eat 1 raw garlic clove, using it to season meats and sauté other foods.


Onions are also on the list of foods that boost immunity. Quercetin, present in greater amounts in red onion, prevents allergic and viral diseases. Eat it raw in a salad or use it as a seasoning.


20 foods that strengthen immunity
Metkalova / Getty Images / Canva

It fights the symptoms of colds and flu, in addition to acting in the treatment of throat and lung problems. A dessert spoon of honey already protects you. Sweeten juices, yogurts and coffee with the product.

dark green vegetables

The folic acid (or vitamin B9) contained in them stimulates the formation of white blood cells, whose function is to defend the body from invaders. Broccoli, kale and spinach are examples of these vegetables and can be eaten in the form of salads or soups.

red pepper

Rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, red pepper leaves the body free of viruses and bacteria. Make salads or use for sautéing.


20 foods that strengthen immunity
manfeiyang / Getty Images / Canva

Increases the body's defenses and fights free radicals. A soup of cooked yams with two tablespoons of ground raw garlic is a hit and miss in cases of colds.

Yacon potato

It has fructo-oligosaccharides, a substance that improves immunity. It can be consumed raw, in the form of juices and salads.

Sweet potato

Other good food for the immune system it's sweet potato. Beta carotene protects against bacterial and viral infections. Cooked, in salad and even in omelets is great.

Acai berry Bowl

20 foods that strengthen immunity
Alex Souto Maior / Getty Images / Canva

The Amazonian fruit is rich in vitamin C. Drinking the juice, eating it with strawberry (another source of vitamin C), protects your body from the dreaded free radicals.


The antioxidant glutathione boosts immunity. Eat fresh, make juices and fruit salads.


Although little known, the fruit rich in vitamin C protects against viral and bacterial infections such as flu and colds.


20 foods that strengthen immunity
Olga Kriger / Canva

It also has the antioxidant glutathione. Cabbage goes well in soups and salads.

shiitake mushroom

Lentinan, a substance that stimulates the production of defense cells such as lymphocytes, makes the shitake mushroom a food that boosts the immune system. It is recommended to consume 100 grams daily.

Wheat germ

It is the part of the wheat with the most nutrients. Rich in antioxidants, zinc and B vitamins, the food is friendly to the body. Swap conventional wheat flour for wheat germ.


20 foods that strengthen immunity
Andregric / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Selenium, manganese and vitamin E protect the body from free radicals. The recommended daily amount is ¼ cup.

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When we are in Inveno, the season where colds and flu are more common, it is important to know more about how to prevent yourself. Read more here!

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