666 the mark of the beast

Beloved! It had been a long time since I heard about the “Mark of the Beast”, represented by the number 666. However, there was never an explanation about such a reference.

I, in particular, had not found anything to justify this relationship. Finally, in this month of September 2018, I managed to understand the meaning of it.

The Beast of Apocalypse, as it is called, is actually a project of Darkness to achieve total and ultimate dominion over Earth. For that, it would be necessary that two-thirds of humanity adhere to and consciously act within a mind control dominated by these negative forces. The number required for magnetism to have preponderance should reach 66,6% of humanity. Upon reaching this index, Planet Earth would be called Kingdom of Darkness definitively.

This satanic project, developed by the Annunakis, had greater development in the last 26 thousand years. It was also during this period that Earth's population grew greatly. The more human beings incarnated, obviously the number of discarnates also increased, since, once incarnated, one day they will have to disincarnate.

666 the mark of the beast

When disincarnating, the spirit follows different paths according to its vibration built in the last incarnation. Many humans have embarked on the paths of evil and, later, in the Astral world, they are trapped in the corresponding vibrations. And as this army of Shadows increased, more and more low vibration fluidic energy was needed to produce. It is this energy that sustains the entire army of fallen spirits. The blood shed in wars and murders; the adrenaline produced by the fear and dread felt by people; human sacrifice, especially of children; gossip, oppression, slave labor, rapine, aggression, the controlling mind, in short, many tools were used to produce negative ectoplasm, in order to serve as the necessary energy fuel for the survival of this dark mechanism.

As the Angelic Spirits say: “What is above is below. And vice versa". So, here, too, among the incarnate, over time, a society adapted so that everyone could ordinarily produce such energies was built. Through the excesses of dark cabal, from corrupt governments, from controlling religions, from the enslaving financial system, from conditioning education, from wars, from the disease industry, in short, everything converged on one point: To produce that ectoplasm, released in moments of pain and suffering, in order to satiate an also growing army of evil beings.

In the last century, it took very little to reach that mark (66,6%). However, it was also decreed by the High, that, in the event of reaching this index, there would be the self-destruction of the Planet, because no Greater Law can be disrespected by humanity, whether it is incarnated or disincarnated. Here comes the Prophecy with a deadline of 2019 mentioned by Chico Xavier. In fact, it was an ultimatum given in 1969 by the Galactic Forces. Either humanity retreated in such an escalation, or it would be the end of the Earth.

666 the mark of the beast

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With the advent of the Indigo Children and later followed by the Crystal Children, there was an improvement in the energy produced by humans. With that, the percentage that was very close to 66,6% began to drop, and the Earth entered a new direction: THE ASCENSION.

Every day, the numbers change more. Now, for example, in the month of September, some information from the Higher Spheres informed us that andwe are getting close to 60% of awakened consciences. This index grows rapidly, and reversing the possibilities, when reaching 66,6% of the critical mass of new consciousnesses, the expected EVENT will finally take place.

Only now, it will no longer be the Mark of the Beast, but the Event of Planetary Ascension. Even if a third (33,3%) of humanity decides not to ascend now, nothing will stop the rest from doing so. It is because of this that the changes are taking place and will sweep the Earth in all its quadrants. The Dark Cabal is cornered. Also now this October 3rd, an ultimatum has been given to its members: Either surrender or other means will be used to do so. What is certain is that one by one, they will all be deposed. And when they disincarnate, obviously, they will be deported to exile, that is, they will no longer return here. Just as it is already being done with the spirits that orbited the umbraline zones and the dark abysses where the Science of Evil reigned. These zones called High Orbit (OA), Medium Orbit (OM) and Low Orbit (OB) are in the scanning completion phase. Finished this process, the conclusion of the Planetary Cleaning will take place here among the incarnates.

666 the mark of the beast

As the Great Master Jesus said: “STONE SHALL NOT BE STONE UPON STONE”.

Let us vibrate, therefore, in the joy, faith, courage and love. Fear and hate are still the engines that generate negative fluids that give survival to the Forces of Evil.

Send love to all those who still insist on staying away from the Light. The galactic help spirits are firm but extremely loving. AND it is this love that works as an antidote to evil and promotes the mass surrender of those who are still hardened in their feelings.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.

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