15 reasons to become a vegetarian

    15 reasons to become a vegetarian

    The vegetarian lifestyle has gained more and more supporters in the world and in Spain, where there is an increasing demand for healthy food. Over the years, people have been eating less and less meat and even dairy products, sparking interest in different forms of vegetarianism.

    Basically, there are three types of vegetarian diet: the basic one, in which no meat of any kind is eaten (but some people make exceptions for chicken and/or fish, leaving out only red meat); the lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, in which, in addition to vegetables, you also eat plenty of eggs and milk; and the most restrictive diet, the vegan, in which no type of food of animal origin is eaten. In the latter case, the diet becomes a lifestyle, as the care in not consuming anything of animal origin goes beyond food and applies to any other type of product, such as cosmetics, clothes and shoes, among others.

    Many people are tempted to try this type of food, but they are still afraid. The ideal is to make the choice gradually, removing the meat and other products little by little, after all, no sudden change can be maintained.

    A “meatless monday”, a movement that started on the internet and gained thousands of followers, is a good way to start this plan. Another way is by following the 15 reasons listed below. Who knows, maybe it's the incentive you were missing?

    • Your health will thank you. Vegetarians have a much lower risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol and even cancer.
    • Pesticides and hormones given to animals in captivity pass directly into the bodies of people who consume them. A meat-free diet with a preference for organic foods reduces this risk dramatically.
    • It is nutritionally proven that all essential vitamins and nutrients can be found in vegetables, fruits and vegetables. There is no nutritional need to eat meat, as long as you have a balanced diet.
    • Pollution of lakes and springs is mostly caused by the droppings of large-scale captive-bred animals.
    • About 80% of the arable land in the world is used for raising animals for slaughter. In this same space, it would be possible to grow enough food to end world hunger.
    • 90% of deforestation comes from felling trees to raise animals for slaughter. On the other hand, thousands of wild species are extinct due to deforestation.
    • Competition among meat producers is increasing, which creates more and more cruel slaughter systems to lower costs and beat the tough competition.
    • The digestion of vegetarian food does not cause as much discomfort and fatigue as the slow digestion of a heavy food like meat.
    • According to some religions, the suffering you inflict on other living beings is doubled for you.
    • Meat prematurely ages your body cells much faster.
    • Meet the “Monday Without Meat” and get inspired!
    • Vegetarianism and Veganism: Understand the Difference
    • Indulge in this vegetarian risotto
    • Foods that don't look like they are vegetarian!
    • Discover plant-based protein sources
    • Vegetarian food tends to be more creative and cheaper. With the price of a kilo of meat, you can have a wide variety of vegetables, especially seasonal products.
    • Soy plantations, which are largely responsible for deforestation, are mostly used to feed animals for slaughter. The consumption of soy by humans is negligible and causes practically no harm to nature.
    • Sausages, such as sausages and sausages, are made from meat scraps and may have fecal coliforms and parts of the slaughtered animals unsuitable for human consumption.
    • Most food poisoning and indigestion are caused by meat. A vegetarian diet tends to be much lighter and without major damage to the body.
    • The suffering caused to animals that go to slaughter is not justified in the face of such a variety of food that we have.
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