“He who has ears to hear, let him hear”

    “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”

    Religion, team, party, each one has its preference and it is difficult to change the idealism of each one, with rare exceptions.

    Regarding religion, everyone has their preference and no one has the right to prevent devotion. There are those who say they pray, others pray and others pray. Some kneel, others shout, others dance, others are profoundly silent. In spite of all these peculiarities, the world follows its path idealized by the Architect of the Universe.

    A short time ago we had a hard fight and we are still fighting an overwhelming virus that took many dear people from our socializing, and then we were wondering why this virus emerged. Certainly bad times come to us to shake up our lives. So it is with diseases, whether moderate or severe. They are the individual rescues that have to do with each one's behavior.

    But the pandemic aimed to send a message not individual, but to the whole planet, calling our attention to externalize more love, bringing people closer, since we had to fulfill a period of isolation. The pandemic, due to the number of people vaccinated, decreased, so families met again, hugged each other and many thanked the Creator for allowing the return to normality that is gradually happening.

    The difficulties we go through are linked to the moment of planetary transition that the Earth is experiencing. It is the evolution of the Planet. It's the general shake. “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear,” He said!

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    But it seems that humanity didn't get the message and now we face an armed war, which, although it is far from our home, we are hit not by bullets, grenades and explosions, but by rising prices and lack of some ingredients, which mainly affects the less favored, who began to have difficulties to feed themselves, in addition to seeing our brothers being killed or fleeing in terror from the region of combat.

    Anyone who has already reached a balanced level of evolution "HEARD" and has the opportunity to seek in faith the request for this conflict to end and for everyone to develop the Divine Greater Love in their hearts.

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