10 foods that can lead to depression

    That food influences our physical health, everyone knows. But there are some foods that can also affect our psychological. Check out what they are below and reduce the amounts in your daily life:

    10 foods that can lead to depression

    • Low-fat foods

    Foods that do not contain fat have an excessive amount of sodium, a nutrient that we cannot ingest in large amounts because it causes a feeling of bloating and slows down the immune system. This combination of factors can lead to depression.

    • Junk Food

    High levels of sugar, fat, salt, dyes and preservatives, that is, everything in excess can make you sick. The consumption of these foods can make people more aggressive, obese and depressed.

    • Artificial sweeteners

    It is true that they have fewer calories than sugar itself, but on the other hand, they promote an unfavorable drop in serotonin for the body. These foods also encourage the need for carbohydrates, which can lead to significant weight gain. Artificial sweeteners are present in soda formulas, beware of excessive consumption.

    • Refined sugar

    This is without a doubt the biggest enemy of health. In addition to being converted into fat, it lowers the body's energy levels, making people feel more tired.

    • Caffeine

    10 foods that can lead to depression

    If you're one of those people who can't resist a good cup of coffee, at least try to control yourself to drink about two cups a day. Abusing caffeine can cause problems such as insomnia, making people more agitated and nervous.

    • Alcohol

    The euphoric effect of alcohol is only immediate and then the more you drink, the more you need to drink, so it can lead to addiction and depression.

    • low carb

    If you're on a diet and you've cut carbs out of your life, that's a mistake. They are essential sources of energy for the body, and a lack of them causes the brain to stop regularly producing serotonin.

    • Processed food

    Fast food and other foods like pasta, bread and cereal, if eaten in excess, have a big impact on blood sugar levels. They are absorbed like an insulin “pump” which, after a few minutes, causes fatigue and irritability.

    • hydrogenated oils

    Rich in trans fat, of animal and vegetable origin, these foods are great allies of depression. In addition to blocking the arteries, they also impede the flow of blood to the brain.

    • Foods with a high glycemic index

    In the long term, these foods can cause type 2 diabetes and obesity, as they contain small sugar molecules that increase the body's glucose, which initially causes an excess production of insulin and later stimulates appetite.

    On the other hand, there are also some foods that help fight depression. Check out the website: Foods that relieve symptoms of depression.

    Text written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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