Ask the Angels to help

You've probably heard people talk about guardian angels since you were a kid. But guardian angels aren't just a comforting bedtime story for kids β€” they're very real forces that can help you navigate this earthly adventure your soul has signed up for and live to your fullest potential. Think of them as divine life coaches.

When you start getting to know your guardian angels, it will be much easier to feel their presence and recognize when they send you guidance. Here are some very simple and effective ways to connect and interact with your guardian angels and spiritual guardians.

1. Learn their names

Ask the Angels to help
Iz Zy/Unsplash

Go to a quiet room and close the door to block out other people's energy. Sit down, close your eyes, calm your mind and intend to connect with your angels.

After you have silently asked your angels each question, pause and wait for their answers, which may come through insightful thoughts, visions, or feelings.

First ask for the name of one of your guardian angels. The name will then be placed in your head.

Write down the names of your guardian angels and call them by name when you ask them for comfort or guidance. Using the names of your guardian angels should help you become more connected to them and make them feel more real to you.

2. Ask them to send you a signal

Ask the Angels to help
Diana Simumpande/Unsplash

The angels love to send you guidance that can improve your life, as well as simple reminders of their loving and healing presence. You can ask your guardian angels to send you signs. So for the next week, keep your eyes – your physical eyes and your metaphysical third eye open for a sign from your guardian angels.

This can come in the form of a prophetic dream, an unexpected romantic or business opportunity, a new relationship, or a renewed perspective on a recurring situation.

3. Dedicate a song to them

Ask the Angels to help
Clint McKoy/ Unsplash

Music isn't something physical you can pick up and touch – it travels through the ether, permeating your senses and calling to your soul. It can trigger strong emotional reactions in people, and angels often use this to get to you. Sometimes the message lives on in its association with the music, melody and other times the message is in the lyrics.

When you dedicate a song to your guardian angels, that song becomes their calling card. You will listen whenever your angels want to remind you of their constant presence. You should choose music that makes you feel comforted, safe and loved.

4. Write them a letter

Ask the Angels to help
Debby Hudson/ Unsplash

Start the letter with β€œDear Guardian Angel” and write about something that is weighing you down.

in your heart: a situation you're not sure how to handle, a big decision to make, or a relationship that's been bothering you. Your guardian angels know all about you so they are already aware of this situation, but by sharing this with them in your journal you are using your free will to ask for help.

Go ahead and finish by saying "Guardian Angels, please help me with this in any way you can". So watch their orientation. It may come as insightful thoughts on how to handle the matter; intuitive guidance, such as instincts, strong knowledge, visions, or an angel's voice in your mind; or like new opportunities and people suddenly entering your life who were sent by your angels. When that guidance comes, don't forget to go back to your journal and write it down or simply tell your angels "thank you" in your thoughts.

Find out if a pattern or belief is blocking you romantically by asking yourself the following question:

β€œDear angels, do I have any subconscious blocks that are holding me back from my best romantic life?” Examples would be beliefs that you are unlovable, that good partners are scarce, that you have to give more in a relationship than the other person, or that all partnerships end in divorce.

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β€œDear angels, am I consciously or unconsciously doing anything to sabotage my love life?” Maybe you've stopped trying to date, cut back on socializing, refuse to try new things, or put your love life last on your to-do list.

β€œDear angels, what could I change to attract an ideal partner or take my current romantic relationship to the next level?” You may need to be less rigid and more compromising, make room for something new to enter your life, or stop looking for perfection in a potential partner.

Ask the angels to help heal old wounds

Ask the Angels to help
Marc Oliver/Unsplash

This guided visualization can help release any residual pain that you may be subconsciously holding on to.

Go to a quiet place where you can be alone and close your eyes. Imagine two angels floating in the air in front of you, holding your heart, which looks like a big rose, between them. One of the angels opens the lid of your heart, as you would a greeting card. Inside your heart are some of your deepest wounds. You can see these wounds as words (like people's names) or images (like a picture or scene from a fight you had with someone). Then imagine the angels cleaning that big pink heart until it's clear and shiny.

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