Yes, it is possible to speed up metabolism even after 30!

    That talk that it's easier to keep your body in shape and health when you're young is not bullshit. Indeed, the body transforms as you get older, and especially after 30, metabolism is no longer the same.

    But even after the third decade of life, it is still possible to accelerate metabolism and keep it accelerated for a long time, including. Just follow a few tips that will help your body work faster. And, of course, Eu Sem Fronteiras has separated this information for you. See below and start putting them into practice today!

    • Don't skip breakfast

    Unfortunately, the habit of skipping breakfast is very common at any age. Many people say they don't feel hungry when they wake up. In that case, wait a bit. Eat 30 or 40 minutes after getting up. The important thing is not to stop eating in the morning, as the first meal will dictate the rhythm of your body throughout the day.

    • eat all day

    But eat little at a time. The secret is to eat several times in small amounts. Also, don't skip main meals or even snacks in between. All times of eating must be respected for your metabolism to keep working.

    • Have a balanced diet

    It's true that metabolism changes, but that's no excuse for you to give up and stop eating well, is it? Consume healthy foods, from a safe source and with as little pesticides and chemical components as possible. Also, avoid soft drinks, industrialized juices (which are very rich in sugar), fried foods and very greasy foods as much as possible.

    Yes, it is possible to speed up metabolism even after 30!

    • Practice physical exercises

    Both aerobic and strengthening exercises (such as weight training) are very important for your body and organism. Cardio is great for losing weight, but weight training helps speed up your metabolism and automatically helps you burn fat as well. So the two complement each other.

    • Drink lots of water

    Water is extremely important and if you can get it, make it your best friend. At least two liters of water a day are essential. Drinking lots of fluids (like water and natural green tea, for example) helps detoxify the body and deflate your body.

    • Sleep well

    Sleeping well is almost as important as drinking plenty of water and not skipping meals. After all, your body (which includes your metabolism) will only be able to work all day if it rests well at night.

    • Don't be hard on yourself

    Allow yourself to eat whatever you want at some point during the weekend, like a candy, a hamburger, or a pizza, for example. But beware: choose only one meal, not the entire Saturday and Sunday. Even allow yourself to go off the diet and don't blame yourself for it later. That's good! It is important to remember that we have cravings and that it is healthy to indulge them from time to time.

    Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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