Breaking the cycle of tension and pain in labor

Hi, I'm Viviane Manso! I am a urogynecological physiotherapist and I work in pre- and postpartum care with pregnant women. Today I am here with Nisargan, who is a doctor and has studied meditation for over twenty years. We will chat about a cycle that occurs a lot with pregnant women.

Nisargan: The point we are going to make here is that there is a cycle of tension, pain, tension and pain that can happen during labor. I wanted to know: why does this happen physiologically?

Viviane: It is important to understand that the process of labor is triggered once the baby is ready. When it occurs, a cascade of reactions takes place and the woman begins to produce a hormone called oxytocin, which is responsible for the contractions of the uterus. And what happens to our body when we plunge into pain and fear?

When the woman is in the latent phase, in which the contractions are starting to get more intense, even arrhythmic, but the contraction is present, there are two ways: or I go to the path of breathing and presence, to calm down and be alone in the event that is happening, or I start to enter a cycle that is very common among women, which is that of pain, fear, anxiety, of β€œwhat will happen?”, β€œwill I be able to handle it? of it?”, and both trigger another cascade.

Breaking the cycle of tension and pain in labor

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The cascade that is within the calm (that is, within perception) releases oxytocin, which contracts the uterus and endorphin, because physiology is natural, it is perfect, it is not for a woman to have unbearable pain, in any way. But when we get into disturbing thoughts of fear and anxiety, the adrenal gland causes the release of ACTH, which develops a chain of cortisol, which is the stress hormone, and excess adrenaline, which makes this uterus have an extremely strong and intense contraction, whose sensation of pain is much greater.

Watch the video to see the full information.

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