Are you feeling tired and lacking energy? Rescue your strengths!

Are you feeling tired and lacking energy? Rescue your strengths!

When the energies of body and mind are depleted, it's time to take Olive, a floral that rescues vital force, energy and interest in life. Its scientific name is Olea europaea, the flower of the olive tree – but please do not confuse, take Olive is not the same as eating an olive.

The olive tree, its flowers and leaves made history

It was the first tree that grew after the Flood - the myth says that as soon as the waters subsided, Noah released several birds to look for a piece of land where to dock his ark, and the dove - which also symbolizes Peace - returned with a branch of olive tree, meaning a life renewal time, Noah would need a lot of energy to rebuild the world, and Olive it would be of great value.

In her book “Dr Bach Flower Therapy – Theory and Practice”, Mechthild Scheffer says that Olive it is the “calm that follows the storm”, a floral that relates to “the principle of regeneration, peace and restored balance”.

Olive helps to restore vital energy, especially after periods of extreme physical and mental exhaustion, convalescence after illness, or after having spent a long time caring for a sick person, or after exhausting work. You know when we feel so tired that we can't even relax, it makes you want to cry? When we feel exhausted, not wanting to do anything, just to be quiet in a corner, sleep? Well… the essence of Olive can lift us up.

A little more symbolism related to this secular tree:

  • The olive tree was considered a sacred tree, venerated in ancient Greece and Rome – it provided fuel, food and wood;
  • Remember that when Jesus needed to gather strength to face everything he knew would happen, he retired to the Garden of Olives;
  • It is also the tree dedicated to the goddess Athena, which symbolizes a “strength of struggle, which makes us always ready for any call in our existential work” (Carmen Monari, in “Participating in Life with Bach Flower Remedies”);
  • Olive oil was used in lamps to illuminate the darkness, symbolizing the light that guides us on our paths;
  • Sophocles, a Greek philosopher, considered the olive tree “immortal” – for him, it was an “invincible tree that grows out of itself”. The mythological “immortality” of the olive tree came from the great strength and durability of the tree;
  • The Greeks braided crowns with olive branches to decorate the athletes of the Olympics – a custom that they preserve until today, symbolizing victory;
  • The olive branch is present on the UN flag and on the seal of the President of the USA, just to name a few examples, symbolizing peace and strength.

O Floral Olive is prepared through Sun Method, as well as other Florals of the Bach system – this method consists of picking the flowers in the early hours of the morning, when there are still drops of dew on the petals. Some flowers, still covered with dew, are placed in a transparent crystal vat, with water collected from clear and clean streams in the region, letting the morning sun's rays fall on them, energizing the water with the elements of Nature: earth , water, fire/light and air.

Nowadays, Olive flowers are harvested in special regions of Spain, from century-old, organic and pure olive trees.

Message from Dr. Bach on Olive:

None of us on this Earth are asked to do more than what is within our power to do, and if we strive to get the best of ourselves, guided by our Higher Self, health and happiness will be possible for us” (Celso Paroni and Mara Paroni, in “Learn to be happy with Bach Flower Remedies”).

Remember that to better identify the suitability of a floral to your moment of life, it is good to talk to a Floral Therapist.

In the next post we will talk about a floral that helps to maintain concentration and focus, very useful in adolescence. Do not lose!

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