Feminine intimate hygiene: care and precious tips

The human being is incredibly complex, our body works through different mechanisms that allow us to live and all this functioning depends on some care on the part of ourselves. Both men and women should always pay attention to performing routine exams, monitoring the conditions of their body and the reactions that appear.

In this sense, women should pay even more attention. Body care is necessary not only for aesthetics, but essentially for health.

When talking about women's intimate hygiene, many doubts, stories and myths arise. What is really true about this precious region? What precautions should you take?

vaginal health

The vagina area is very humid and must have its pH controlled in order to avoid reactions such as odors, burning or major problems such as discharge and infections. Like any other part of the body, it must be very well sanitized, mainly because it is a “closer” region and in close contact with excrement.

There are several products that help in cleaning and pH control in the region. Among them, intimate soaps are a good alternative. In addition to basic habits such as avoiding blocking the passage of air through there, smothering it, through the direct use of absorbents, bikinis or very tight fabric panties, which will increase the proliferation of fungi and bacteria responsible for the abnormalities.

no exaggeration

Often, women who are extremely concerned with such intimate hygiene end up exaggerating in care and causing opposite effects. Vaginal washing should be limited to the outermost regions. Deep internal hygiene is not necessary, which can lead to discomfort and imbalances in the vaginal flora.

minor modifications

A few small changes can eliminate something that bothers you in the genital area and that can be the cause of bad mood and discomfort. Here are some tips that can improve your everyday life and make you feel like you're in a sanitary napkin commercial:

– Wear fabric panties that allow ventilation;

– Do not wear extremely tight and suffocating clothes;

– Keep yourself clean, without exaggerating;

I got my period, now what? 

Feminine intimate hygiene: care and precious tips

During menstruation the region becomes even wetter, which requires a little more precaution. According to experts, the use of tampons ends up smothering the vagina, so their exchange must be constant according to the woman's flow, accompanied by hygiene and removal of blood clots.

Gynecologists also warn for the application of tampons. As they change the pH in an inner area, they should be avoided and when used, the usage time indicated on the packaging must be respected.

Something is wrong…

If you still feel uncomfortable or notice any changes (strong colored discharge, unpleasant odor) in the genital area, do not hesitate to consult a professional.

Not only biological factors but others such as stress and day-to-day disturbances can take the consequences, literally, down. Therefore, it is essential to observe and identify if something is out of the ordinary.

There are numerous types of infection and at different levels. The earlier the diagnosis, the simpler the treatment.

  • Written by Julia Zayas of Team Me Without Borders.
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