Natural remedies that are good for a sore throat

Having a sore throat, which can be caused by any number of factors, is a very unpleasant experience. During your childhood, you must have heard that walking in the cold without a shirt, eating ice cream or screaming a lot could cause this kind of discomfort, right? Although these justifications are very useful to control the little ones, it is important to know what the real causes of this discomfort are.

Firstly, sore throat can be either infectious type or non-infectious type, which means it can be caused by viruses and bacteria or other factors. Some of these factors are food or dust allergy, reflux, excessive voice use, and exposure to dry air or smoke.

In the second case, a sore throat caused by infection, what is observed is that it works as a reaction of the body to some foreign agent that has invaded the body. The system will work against this agent, which can cause inflammation, so you may experience pain when swallowing, breathing, and speaking.

If you've been experiencing this kind of annoyance for less than a week and can't wait to get back to normal, there's a natural way to deal with it. Next, check out the natural remedies for sore throat and choose the one that best suits your needs!

1) Ginger and lemon tea

Ginger and lemon tea is a tasty option to fight a sore throat. It is important that you prepare it without sugar, using honey to sweeten it. In the form of tea, this mixture will hydrate your throat, while the ginger and honey will reduce inflammation, even fighting harmful bacteria for your body. Drink it while it's still hot!

2) Gargle with warm water and salt

Warm water is known to soothe inflammation and sore throats, so even a gargle with just it will ease your discomfort a little. On the other hand, for a more potent action, you should mix it with a handful of salt or a spoon of vinegar. These two agents will alter the pH of your throat, making this area unpleasant for possible bacteria that are bothering you.

3) Mint or mint candy

Natural remedies that are good for a sore throat
MW / Pixabay

A mint or peppermint is a great choice for anyone who is experiencing a sore throat. Teas with these ingredients can also help, as they are responsible for fighting inflammation in the body and providing a sensation of pain relief. Chewing cloves is also a good option, as it will have a similar effect to candies.

4) Chocolate 70% cocoa

Dark chocolate is a dessert that has numerous health benefits, including for sore throats. With a high concentration of flavonoids, low-milk chocolate will act as an anti-inflammatory, reducing the discomfort caused by pain. Keep in mind that chocolate with a lot of milk, however, can increase the discomfort.

5) Cayenne pepper

Natural remedies that are good for a sore throat
Jill Wellington / Pixabay

Cayenne pepper is an unusual ingredient to treat a sore throat, but it works! Capsaicin, a substance present in food, will relieve the pain you are feeling, but it is necessary to use pepper correctly. Add half a teaspoon to a cup of boiling water and wait for the mixture to cool down a bit. Then shake it well and drink the liquid and make sure it doesn't burn your mouth.

These are some of the natural ways to fight a sore throat. Remember that a sore throat can be one of the symptoms of a more serious illness and that treating it, therefore, will not help you get better. Always investigate with a doctor the cause of your discomfort, so that an appropriate treatment is given for what you are feeling.

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If your sore throat doesn't go away within seven days with the help of the natural remedies we've separated, don't hesitate to seek medical attention. Only a healthcare professional can accurately know the cause of your discomfort and how it can be treated. Take care of your health!

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