Coronavirus – Breathe better. Tips from physical therapist Monica Porto

In the face of this pandemic we are going through, in which the respiratory system is one of the most damaged, we need to take great care of our lungs.

Our lungs are our inner tree. They are the ones that favor our gas exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen. The lungs are inside our rib cage and in order for them to really do the movement they need, to contract and relax, that is, to expand and close, they need muscle groups helping. And what are these muscle groups?

The main respiratory muscle, the diaphragm, followed by the intercostal muscles, which are between the ribs and the sternum cleido mastoid, which is in our neck.

We need to work the muscles of the lungs so that they can maintain their optimal function and prevent possible complications. So I'm going to go through some exercises here in this video.

These exercises that I'm going to teach you can be done by any age group, but it's mainly suitable for those who are in the elderly, that is, 60 years old or more.

Each person needs to do it at their own pace so that there is no fatigue or overload. Some people, when they do the exercises too fast, tend to get dizzy, tired and even feel nauseous.

Coronavirus – Breathe better. Tips from physical therapist Monica Porto
123RF/Shannon Fagan

So, the exercises, to be effective, need to be done in a way: slow, deep and following a rhythm with an interval between each set. They should be done three times a day: morning, afternoon and night.

The first exercise is very simple: just inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, long and slowly. When you inhale, you will expand your abdomen, fill your abdomen and your chest, and when you exhale, you will contract your chest and your abdomen to help expel more air. So, come on, do the first.

In the second exercise you will do this in two times: inhale, inhale – exhale, exhale – fill, fill – blow, blow.

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In the third exercise you will fill, hold, hold and then release.

For the fourth exercise, we're going to use the arms. You will raise your arms above your head. If you can't raise your arms that much, go as far as you can, that's fine.

Then, filling and raising the arms and while exhaling, while emptying down the arms.

In the fifth and final exercise you will stretch your arms in front of your chest. As you breathe in you will open your arms and as you breathe out you will close your arms.

With these simple and in sync movements you keep your lungs oxygenated, all the ways open and strengthen that much needed muscle.

Good health to everyone!

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