Introspective – What are the characteristics of these people?

Each person has a set of characteristics that form their own personality. Among the many traits that generate the unique being of each one, there are countless variations that can be confused and poorly seen by society. An introspective individual can be perceived as despondent and even depressed. See below what introspection is and find out what its characteristics are.

What does it mean to be introspective?

Always examining the inner self is the main characteristic of an introspective individual. In this constant self-analysis, he comes into deep contact with his emotions and feelings. In this way, he has great facility to understand everything that happens to him internally and has an almost enviable self-knowledge.

Generally speaking, introspective people are a little more withdrawn and don't tend to talk a lot, but that doesn't mean they don't like to interact socially or that they don't have an appreciation for the outside world. By always analyzing their own being, they end up not letting themselves be influenced so much by extrinsic stimuli and, as a consequence, they find discovery from within, so they create greater intimacy with the internal.

It is worth emphasizing here that negative feelings, such as sadness and discouragement, have nothing to do with introspection, which is a personality trait that simply makes an individual get to know his own innermost self more and, therefore, work his emotions forward. of the world, even not being so communicative or expressive.

Introspective – What are the characteristics of these people?
Free-Photos / Pixabay

Discover 10 characteristics of an introspective being:

1. Think hard before acting or making decisions

Introspective people think a lot before any attitude or word. The positive side of this is that, because they are not impulsive, they end up analyzing situations more and weighing the possible consequences. The negative is the lack of attitude in moments that call for more action, which can result in the loss of several opportunities.

2. Enjoy the silence

Sitting still in a peaceful environment is something introspectives love! They like to be alone thinking and reflecting on everything and sometimes nothing too!

3. More β€œhead” dialogue

Empty talk results in impatience for an introspective. For him, any superficial dialogue is completely disposable, a big sign of insincerity. Everything that is shallow does not please you! Because he is a deeper and more sensitive person, he prefers to β€œdive” into more complex matters and get to know others in a more profound way. Of course, the introspective has no aversion to more superficial people, he just doesn't appreciate the lack of interest that everything that is shallow can generate.

4. Lack of attitude

It is normal for an introspective being to be more passive in certain situations. Always being alone in the middle of a group of people is common for people like that, as they don't have much initiative and always wait for the other - whether to start a conversation, work in a group or even be part of a team, for example.

5. Be a great observer

Introspectives are not distracting at all! They are always in touch with you and, when looking at the outside world, they have a keener eye, so they pay attention to details. They always analyze every situation and process any visual information in a deeper and more intense way than others (who often leave the most important details of a day unnoticed).

Introspective – What are the characteristics of these people?
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6. They are almost writers!

One of its most punctual traits is its ease of writing. As they are not as interested in communicating verbally with people, introspective individuals usually express everything they feel and express themselves better through writing, whether writing in a journal, poems, songs, texts, etc. Looking at what is externalized by themselves makes them once again analyze everything that comes out of them.

7. Choose who to interact with

It's not often that they interact with each other! If they don't feel like talking to someone, they always find a way to sneak out of a situation. This can be better understood in times when they receive a call and simply don't answer!

8. Leave

In addition to generally living in greater contact with their inner self, an introspective individual tends to prefer to live away from busy and noisy environments. Always in search of tranquility, he prefers not to have to deal with practically obligatory relationships, such as that forced relationship between neighbors.

9. No promoting yourself!

Self-promotion is synonymous with aversion to thinkers! They hate forcing contacts and feel false when advertising themselves with a definite and almost superficial objective. People who have introspection as a personality trait need authentic interactions and relationships to feel good!

10. Scholars

Because they are not so prone to everything that happens around them, these individuals are very easy to concentrate and tend to focus on just one thing, whether it's an activity or study. It is likely that they will develop some specific skill over the course of life, because dedication is what moves them!

Introspective – What are the characteristics of these people?
Judy and Peter Skitterians / Pixabay

positive sides introspection

As already said before, an introspective being is not impulsive and always evaluates the consequences that a decision or attitude can result. Knowing your inner self well is of great value in the face of a world that runs away from your own feelings and ignores unresolved internal issues. In terms of self-knowledge and inner vision, he is an expert!

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By reflecting a lot, he is able to analyze all situations and problems until he finds a solution, in addition to setting goals and following them without distractions. Introspectives are people who can add a lot to our being and become inspiration for different areas of our life.

Negative sides of introspection

It is important to emphasize that there is no problem with being introspective, it is just necessary to be careful with the people around them, as individuals with this characteristic are commonly misinterpreted and seen as sad by others. Anyway, the lack of action of the introspective can result in the loss of opportunities and even great experiences. Excessive thinking can trigger a certain passivity in the face of life and make him always wait for someone else's first step.

Differences between shyness and introspection

Many people confuse introspective with shy, but such a comparison is a big mistake! Shyness represents shame and is clearly the difficulty that an individual has in social relationships. The shy are insecure and often feel unable to act, while the introspective reflects on themselves, has courage and knows how to handle situations. Introspective people give security to others, as they are constantly evolving, even when silent; shy people often need help when it comes to taking action, even though they can think about everything.

Therefore, as we saw in the text, there are benefits in being an introspective person, especially if we know how to work with the mentioned aspects. However, if the introspective person turns only to himself, he can end up being misinterpreted. Either way, being more introspective will help you focus on your life better. Knowing yourself is important and should be one of your priorities. Remember that you are the most important person in your life, so you should dedicate enough time to yourself.

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