silence is the answer

    There is a great Eastern teaching that tells us that silence is all we need to solve our existential questions.

    The answer is in it, so oriental techniques stimulate us and teach us to meditate and quiet our thoughts in search of a serenity that allows us to find solutions and clarify our paths.

    In theory, it's all very easy, but have you ever tried to be absolutely silent, trying to keep your mind clear and free from anything that might get you out of that state?!

    Silence is not something we achieve overnight, because it goes far beyond just sitting down and quieting our thoughts. It is a process that, little by little, makes you get in touch, because being in complete silence makes us get in touch with our true selves, with who we really are and with what we are living in the moment.

    Silence brings us face to face with what we try to make noise to forget. And that can often be painful, difficult, and frightening.

    silence is the answer

    During your day, try to create moments of silence in your environment. For this, it is necessary not only to silence external noises, but also those that generate internal noises, such as those generated by a cell phone, a computer or anything else that apparently has no sound, but which generates a great mental movement. After silencing all kinds of noises, just observe and don't try to control whatever action your mind wants to take. Let her free.

    And then, Set aside time daily to do this exercise.. Every day, you will evolve a little.

    First observe, then try to quiet down by focusing on something that generates mental tranquility, such as watching your breath flowing or fixing your gaze on some object, and analyzing your perceptions after these moments.

    Gradually, you will notice that the answers really are in there, which is enough to quiet the whirlwind of information we receive daily to capture solutions.

    And this mental hygiene, if done daily, makes us have balance in our daily exchanges, in what we talk about during the day, and makes us more sensitive when expressing ourselves, saying only what is necessary and putting us in a position of observer and listener. Believe me: this position, if well directed, gives us many signs and insights that will solve our problems. In this way, we are able to find solutions and find answers that we always end up looking outside or asking others.

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