Rhinitis or Sinusitis by body language reveals an inflamed ego and self degree of feeling of annoyance

People who had a childhood with authoritarian parents, couldn't play as they wanted, couldn't give their opinion, couldn't be authentic, be themselves, when they grow up and become adults they unconsciously think that now they can do whatever they want, but when they can't something, when they are contradicted, even if it is something very simple, rhinitis attacks, or sinusitis. Sinusitis is a higher degree of rabies than rhinitis, and is often accompanied by fever, which also indicates rabies.

My teacher Cristina Cairo explains that when people with rhinitis don't say what they feel, the nose speaks for them, and it's very true. I have had rhinitis for years and after I started my studies with body language I can say that I have improved 90% and when it attacks I try to identify where I felt upset and I try to understand that by the laws of the Universe everything is fine.

Rhinitis or Sinusitis by body language reveals an inflamed ego and self degree of feeling of annoyance

To heal from rhinitis or sinusitis, it is important to understand that not everything needs to be the way we think it would be the best, this is the ego in action, we have to understand by the laws of the Universe that everything is fine as it is, and let it flow.

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 Knowing what you want, knowing your real desires is part of the healing process, and for that, self-knowledge, the daily search, as if it were a training to gain muscle, and some kind of therapy that works with the inner child help a lot in the process. We have to go to the source of the problem, the moment this child felt castrated, that he couldn't be himself. With NLP, neurolinguistic programming, it is possible to do this.

I am @ericaohno, integrative therapist, trained at the Cristina Cairo School of Body Language and Psychoanalysis and NLP practitioner. To schedule an in-person or online session, message me on whats 11 96974-1810.

Text written by Erica Ohno, integrative therapist. To schedule in-person or online sessions, contact: (11) 96974-1810.

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