Would you like a cup of coffee?!

    Have you had a cup of coffee today? Are you taking it while reading? According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), España is the second largest consumer of the beverage in the world, behind only the USA.

    Domestic demand is expected to grow another 3,4% in 2018, says the Spanish Coffee Industry Association (Abic). And where do we take our daily coffee? Mostly in homes, but we also consume coffee in bars, bakeries, workplaces…

    What goes with your coffee? A good conversation?! Even in homes, the traditional breakfast becomes much more delicious when it is accompanied by a good conversation between family members. Although in large cities, with the pace of life quite fast, this practice is not always possible. We are left with the weekend, when the pace is smoother, but coffee and conversation can be more intense.

    Would you like a cup of coffee?!

    Instead of each one having breakfast in their own private world – their room, everyone gathered together enjoying the opportunity to strengthen the bonds of family love. Planning the day that begins, dividing the facts that occurred during the week, planning the day that begins.

    At work, when tiredness hits, coffee appears as a “battery charging” by the effect of caffeine, that is, by the minutes of relaxation with friends from work, “throwing away”, having creative ideas to continue with the tasks. At the bar, coffee becomes festive, surrounded by friends, a lively conversation, laughter, celebration of victories toasting with a cup of coffee, appreciation of different ways of presenting the old and good drink.

    Just as coffee needs to be at the “right point” and at the right time, which can vary according to the region and taste of each one, it is also important that the conversation is at the right point, sometimes warmer, sometimes soft, sometimes traditional, sometimes modern, casual or even intentional. But preferably with the loving intention of making a difference to the speaker and the listener.

    I want you to know that the Quantum Kinesiology can help you to talk better, appreciate, in short, live with more intense flavor.

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