seasonal allergies

    Allergy sufferers know very well that depending on the season or the weather outside, a different kind of problem will arise. Dry weather can cause a dry cough and watery eyes, while spring flower pollen can result in a never-ending succession of sneezes. If the weather is cold and rainy, it may even be that allergies evolve and turn into a constant runny nose that even looks like a cold.

    The fact is that, regardless of the weather, allergies can manifest themselves in different ways, but they will always give you the air of your graces. Whatever the weather conditions, some care and treatments can alleviate this type of discomfort that affects a large part of the population. Stay tuned for our tips that will help you get rid of this nuisance.

    Medical treatment and medicines

    Despite seeming something temporary, allergies should be treated with the seriousness they deserve, as in many cases they are just a temporary annoyance, but in others they can lead to serious and even fatal reactions. In hot weather, for example, those allergic to insect bites can have serious skin sores. To avoid this kind of thing there are already specific treatments on the market. A good way out is to look for an allergist and, after evaluation, start a long-term immunology treatment. With the use of injectable vaccines, the patient begins to respond positively to allergens. In order to have a short-term improvement response, some medications are indicated; this is the case with the group of antihistamines. However, there are a multitude of them, with different indications and dosages, so always consult a specialist doctor.

    allergy tests

    Still resorting to the help of medicine, look for an allergist and do allergen tests. We need to know our enemies to be able to fight them in the best way. You suddenly think your allergy is seasonal, but it's triggered by the ice cream you only get on hot days.

    seasonal allergies

    Air humidifiers

    During dry weather, air humidifiers, a bucket of water or even a wet towel left strategically in the environment where the allergic person is can help keep the airways more lubricated. The same goes for the eyes, which are often irritated.


    Still speaking of the eyes, protecting this sensitive organ is essential for anyone, but for allergy sufferers it is even more important. Avoid exposing yourself to the sun without this ally, otherwise redness is certain. If you have myopia, astigmatism or farsightedness, avoid contact lenses and also prefer frames. The fewer substances that come in contact with your mucous membranes, the better.

    Avoid makeup and cosmetics in general

    Allergic people tend to react to dyes, perfumes and various chemicals, so prefer neutral cosmetics and only use the essentials.

    Keep the environments ventilated

    Even if it's cold, try to keep the house and the environments in which it is always airy. That's because closed places tend to create more mites and mold, in addition to accumulating dust, thus triggering more allergy attacks.

    Avoid unnecessary objects

    Curtains, carpets, rugs and stuffed animals give an air of coziness to any environment, but if you are allergic these objects can mean sneezing attacks and unnecessary itching. Exercise detachment and have the environments with only what you need. Your health will thank you.


    Keep the environments, your clothes and your bedding always clean. Just be careful not to use soaps with too many ingredients and perfumes, otherwise it can have the opposite effect.

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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