Winter Solstice Meditation

Also known as the winter ritual, the winter solstice is celebrated between June 21 and 25 in the Southern Hemisphere and between December 21 and 25 in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the beginning of the time of year when days are shorter and nights are shorter. longer. That is, winter.

The word solstice comes from the Latin Sol and sistere, which does not move. The winter solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its greatest angular distance from the plane passing through the equator.

This time is also full of symbolism and mythology. Among them is the yule celebration.

The celebration of Yule used to be very important to pagan communities in Europe. However, it was one of the traditions absorbed by the Catholic Church and became what we celebrate today as Christmas.

Winter Solstice Meditation / Pexels / Canva

This tradition used to take place on the date of the winter solstice, and clearly ends up having a different date in the Southern Hemisphere, where the solstice is in June. However, the energies of the period and the celebrations are the same.

Why is this date important from a spiritual point of view? For many ancient cultures, this period was of extreme importance, symbolizing birth and rebirth.

Each year, specific areas of our life are more worked on during this period, but overall, this time is great for deep energy cleansing, healing and chakra balance, not to mention that the energies still collaborate towards the goals you want to achieve. Therefore, it is an excellent time to declare to the universe your intentions for the coming months.

Meditation for the Winter Solstice

It is believed that the nights at this time of year are extremely powerful and, therefore, are used for magic, prayers and rituals, as the chances of realization are great. Here's an example of a meditation that can be done to connect with your essence and manifest positive things for yourself and the planet at the time of the Winter Solstice!

meditation suggestion

Winter Solstice Meditation
NadyaPhoto / Getty Images Signatures / Canva

Before starting, focus on what you want to manifest. Remember to focus more on the qualities and characteristics of what you want and not on something or someone already determined, because this limits co-creation and often can even get in the way of manifestation. Once that's done, start:

  1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness.
  2. State your intention to use this meditation as a tool to bring light to the surface of the planet.
  3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to the central suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then passing through the stargate of Alcyone (Pleiades), passing through the stargate of Sirius, entering our solar system and passing through all beings of light in our solar system and then , through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.
  4. Visualize this light transmuting all the remaining darkness of this universe, until only light remains. Visualize a new great cosmic cycle beginning, bringing pure light, love and happiness to all beings throughout the universe.
  5. Once that's done, see yourself involved in that light and start declaring your intentions for your personal life and feel joy and gratitude. See in detail what you want, smile as if it's already happening, and stay in that visualization for as long as you need to while you're feeling good about it. Be careful not to get carried away by anxiety. Make this moment of joy and peace for you.
  6. Give thanks and repeat 9 times: So it is, it's done, it's done, it's done!

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After finishing the meditation, remember to release the request and let the Universe take care of bringing it to you at the right time. If, after these days, you feel content of yours coming to the surface, memories of the past to heal or any challenge that you feel is for your inner change, accept, thank and do whatever is necessary, because it may be the universe itself trying to help you. clear of what has stopped you from achieving your desires. Happy winter solstice!

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