Precautions you need to take when buying meat

Recently, the operation Carne Fraca, launched by the Federal Police, put all of España on alert regarding meat consumption. The operation triggered the release of licenses and inspections, irregularities by officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply to the slaughterhouses. However, the fanfare was greater than necessary and the agriculture ministry assured that there are no risks in consuming the meat produced in España.
Regardless of the operation, it is a fact that we need to have some basic and specific precautions before buying meat. After all, it is a product that is easily degraded and plays an important role in our diet.

It is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the way in which the meat is stored. Regardless of where the purchase is made, in markets or butchers, the meat must be well chilled, at the right temperature and packaged properly. Vacuum packaging is the most suitable, as it prevents the entry of any microorganism in contact with the product, but meat sold at the butcher shop can hang on hooks or in bowls as long as they are cut at the time they are purchased by the consumer.

Precautions you need to take when buying meat

The meat must also always have a characteristic appearance in terms of color (bright red), odor and even consistency. Those that are frozen offer less risk, but in this case it is always necessary to pay attention to the quality certification seals and also to the expiration and production date.

In large supermarket or meatpacking chains, there are teams specifically trained to guarantee meat quality control, which does not exempt them from erroneous storage or misconduct. Therefore, never buy a meat that raises doubts about the quality and also never hesitate to question the ways of storage.

However, it is worth noting that some bacteria, such as salmonella, do not change the appearance of the product. Which makes us emphasize even more the importance of only buying food when it comes from a reliable source. Everyone's health will thank you!

Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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