A Conscious Universe

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the Universe has a very different functioning and dynamics than what you learned in your life and what maybe you believe?

What if the Universe really is nothing more than a reflection of our consciousness? What if this consciousness of ours is part of a greater consciousness, which encompasses absolutely everything, and not just here in our Universe or dimension but in all multidimensionality? A consciousness charged with energy of pure coherence, organization and life, which within all metaphysics and spirituality we call Unconditional Love. A high vibrational frequency energy.

What if this energy, this consciousness is still accompanied by all kinds of information about the Universe, free from the linearity of time? The so-called Akashic Record or Field. What if our brain is still more of an “antenna” than a file of data and information? It is a Universe of infinite possibilities.

A Conscious Universe

Fritz-Albert Popp, Hal Puthoff, Brenda Dunne, Robert Jahn, William Braud are some of the names that have studied this reality with absolute scientific rigor for over 40 years. We also have names like Dean Radin and Ervin Laszlo studying this field of information and the interconnection between everything that exists, especially between minds. Some even claim that skepticism today is already a case of pathology, as the numbers are indisputable, and in some experiments results were produced with a probability in relation to chance of 10 billion to 1. This is absolutely irrefutable.

Studies and more studies on remote viewing, pre-cognition, telepathy, the informed universe, connections, quantum entanglement and other PSI phenomena, with metadata review and everything imaginable, absolutely unquestionable, but always ignored by traditional science. After all, there is not much return on investment in this new science.

A Conscious Universe

In Lynne Mactaggart's book "The Field," all this energy is called the Zero Point Field, as fluctuations in the Field continue to be detectable at absolute zero, or Zero Kelvin, the lowest possible energy state, at which all matter has been removed and there is apparently nothing left to produce motion. Zero point energy is the energy present in the emptiest state of space. This Field connects and interconnects everything, and responds to our consciousness, but always through a high vibration and especially a state of deep relaxation.

According to Ervin Laszlo, philosopher of science and founder of the Budapest Club, it is as if we were a radio station and our “bandwidth” expands directly in proportion to our level of relaxation and tranquility.

According to Laszlo, the total energy estimate of Field Zero exceeds all the energy present in matter by a factor of 1.040, something like the energy present in a single cubic meter of space is enough to bring all the world's oceans to a boil. Does anyone remember that Nikola Tesla was able to access this energy and that was the end of his career? Otherwise, it would be the end of the energy industry on the planet, a trillion-dollar business; then the weakest loses and greed gains.

I really like the example of the restaurant. When we go to the restaurant, we place our order and we have no worries about receiving our order. We completely shut down and let go of that, and received our order. With life, it is suggested that it is the same, but that is where our conscience comes in, with its powerful system of subconscious beliefs, bringing various limitations and blocks, fears and traumas, and the very basis of our religious and scientific formation, based on the separation and materialism to take away all our power in relation to our reality.

A Conscious Universe

Edgard Mitchell, one of the few men who walked on the moon, a member of Apollo 14 during his mission, was touched by a universal consciousness and began to do some experiments on consciousness and extrasensory perception, based on the work of Dr. Joseph B. Rhine. He went through a true epiphany that led him to a new world view. He was so amazed by the results and studies that he founded the Institute of Noetics Sciences in 1973, which serves the mission of being an organization of people engaged in research and education worldwide, bridging the gap between science and spirituality.

As we can see, it seems that things are not quite as they were taught to us at school, as there are many serious people studying this new mechanics of life and the Universe in depth. The world and reality do have a different dynamic and it is possible that we are in the role of victims while in fact we are the great protagonists of our history.

The science of consciousness is here to stay, along with quantum reality and spirituality. The only ones to lose from this “new” Universe are unbridled greed and separation.

Awakening consciousness is awakening yourself and recognizing our true role in this Universe.

Alexandre Lourenção

McTaggart, Lynne. The field. Bookmark Publisher. 2012
Laslo, Ervin. Currivan, Jude. Cosmos. Publisher Cultrix. 2008
Laslo, Ervin. Science and the Akashic Field. Cultrix Publisher. 2009
Radin, Dean. Lagos, William. Interconnected Minds. Aleph Publisher. 2007


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