Total Lunar Eclipse: understand all about the event and how it influences your life

Have you ever had the opportunity in your life to look at the sky for the purpose of watching a total lunar eclipse? It is a fascinating and memorable spectacle. This phenomenon has long caused admiration, but at other times, it caused recklessness. Understand everything about the Total Lunar Eclipse and how it influences our lives, from the following reading!

From an astronomical point of view, a total lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon align and the Earth casts its full shadow on the Moon. It is commonly seen with the naked eye (there is no need for protection, as the light is weak compared to that of the Sun, in a solar eclipse) and only occurs during the full moon phase.

Just as the Moon moves around the Earth, our planet moves around the Sun. Sometimes, however, the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, aligned with each other, forming a shadow and preventing sunlight from reaching the surface of the natural satellite. In a total lunar eclipse, the Earth casts an area of ​​shadow called the umbra.

The Moon can be orange or reddish in color when a total lunar eclipse occurs, because some of the sunlight is reflected off the Moon through the Earth's atmosphere. It is called the Blood Moon.

The symbolism of the total lunar eclipse

The first eclipses were recorded around four thousand years ago in Babylon. Due to a lack of knowledge of astronomy, as we have it today, people throughout history, while admiring the phenomenon, were also afraid. They attributed to him the wrath of deities, the struggle between good and evil, catastrophes, bad omens and a symbolism both supernatural and real.

From the point of view of Astrology, the total lunar eclipse accelerates events in everyone's life. He is associated with the occult, with shadows, and shows that they are necessary for discovery and for later illumination. It awakens and denounces crises, dependence, disagreements, emotional tensions, financial problems and uncertainties.

Astrology relates the Moon to the past and a sense of security. When a total lunar eclipse occurs, because of its influence, people may feel more insecure and fearful, but it also makes people step out of their comfort zones.

Total Lunar Eclipse: understand all about the event and how it influences your life
NHevergreen / Pixabay

The energy of the total lunar eclipse brings about a new personal cycle, a turnaround, whether professional or sentimental, when everything that wears out, depresses and is abandoned.

The influences that the total lunar eclipse exerts can last for about six months, and a new order will occur when the same type of eclipse occurs again.

Knowing how to deal with these influences, in addition to generating self-knowledge, can improve other aspects and raise the level of awareness about the management of personal life.

How to enjoy a lunar eclipse

The influences of the total lunar eclipse can be widely used for the benefit of personal life, whether emotional, relational, spiritual or health. But you need to know these influences.

Astrology provides instruments for self-knowledge, so it allows an analysis, through the individual astrological chart (astral map), of the influences of the total lunar eclipse in each one's life, identifying which and how the astral houses are personally affected.

The birth chart also provides other information about the influence of the stars and planets, drawing how they are configured in the twelve houses, which are aspects of each one's life. From it it is possible to know which characteristics or specific situations for the person tend to occur with the total lunar eclipse and the influences of each sign.

Total Lunar Eclipse: understand all about the event and how it influences your life
Adege / Pixabay

If you want to know this rich instrument, the suggestion is that you look for a good astrologer and clarify in the feedback session of the chart analysis all the doubts that arise about all the influences, the conjunctures and other information that the professional presents. It is important to keep in mind that this moment is for reflection and self-knowledge.

If the influences of the total lunar eclipse are not as favorable as expected, there are actions and paths to be adopted to learn and evolve. It is valid to mentalize positive things to attract and reproduce good energies.

How to see a lunar eclipse

To contemplate a total lunar eclipse, being visible in the place where you are and having weather conditions of visibility, it is not necessary any sophisticated equipment or eye protection, it can be observed with the naked eye, as the moon's brightness is less intense than that of the Sun.

The total lunar eclipse has a duration of visibility that varies, according to the location from which it is observed, and may be different in São Paulo, España and Rio de Janeiro, if visible in these locations. It tends not to be as fast as many solar eclipses, but it is advisable to identify in advance the place where the moon rises (always in the east, opposite of where the sun sets), especially for those who live surrounded by buildings.

Total Lunar Eclipse: understand all about the event and how it influences your life
Markus Klinger / Pixabay

We are fortunate enough to look at the sky and be dazzled by spectacles that have haunted our ancestors for thousands of years, but at the same time instigated them to seek knowledge. Currently, knowledge about the firmament is advanced. Astronomy seeks to unravel many mysteries.

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We also have, as a resource, information from Astrology, which, as it is a very old study, can help to understand the total lunar eclipse from the point of view of the influences that it energetically exerts in the life of each one, especially when identified through the astrology chart. Looking at the sky and at yourself has the similarity of a universe of things to be unraveled, so venture on the path of knowledge and good discoveries!

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