Meteor Shower: Eta Aquarids

Twice a year, there is a meteor shower. Eta Aquarids. This phenomenon is a consequence of the famous Halley comet, which passed by Earth in 1986 and still has particles in orbit. The comet doesn't return to the planet until 2062, but you can see its fragments later this month.

At first glance, meteor showers appear to be a rare occurrence, but in reality they are more common than you might think. That's because comets leave a trail of particles when they pass by Earth and, thanks to the rotation system, the planet continues to pass through these trails sporadically.

The Eta Aquarids meteor shower is expected to occur between the days April 19 and May 20, however, its moment of better visibility will take place at dawn 04 to the 05th of May, which can be observed throughout Spain.

Meteor Shower: Eta Aquarids

To watch the meteor shower you don't need any instruments, just look for a dark place and position yourself to the east, increasing the chances of visualizing the passage. Remember to find a safe place! The rain is expected to produce about 50 meteors per hour, that is, almost one per minute.

Decided to follow the passage of meteors?

Here are some tips to make your experience the best it can be!

Find a place away from artificial lights and dark. You can check if the place is suitable by the number of stars you can see. The greater the visibility of these stars, the greater the chances of being able to see Eta Aquaridas.

Stay in a comfortable position, it may take some time for the meteors to appear, so it's good to be prepared to wait a while without having a stiff neck the next day. Bringing water and some kind of food is also recommended.

Don't fiddle with your cell phone!

The luminosity produced by the device will not let your vision get used to the dark and, with that, you can miss the passage of meteors. Take this time to relax and enjoy your own company or that of others.

Do not use tools such as binoculars and telescopes, this can limit your field of view. Choose to see them with the naked eye and stay tuned. Meteors pass at high speed.

Meteor Shower: Eta Aquarids

Ensure the time when the peak will occur. The forecast is between 02: 00 and 07: 00 from the morning of the 04th to the 05th of May, however this may change, it is important to stay tuned for the latest information. If you can't follow in person, you can check the ticket through lives on the internet. the youtube channel Meteorite Gallery will broadcast live next Sunday (05), starting at 22 pm, Spain time.

In person or online, this natural phenomenon is worth checking out. Taking the opportunity to get together with friends and have a picnic while watching the sky is also a good option to wait for the meteor shower. Regardless of the form, following the passage of Eta Aquaridas is a unique experience to be lived.

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