Planets in Astrology

"Saturn is the last planet to be seen with the naked eye." This information is true. It has always been known and always studied the characteristics and movement of the stars in the field of Astrology.

For many centuries, the reading of astrological charts was performed using only seven (7) celestial bodies, among them we can mention Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Great scholars, who were also mathematicians, astronomers/astrologers, throughout human history, through calculations and a lot of research, came to the conclusion that there were planets beyond Saturn and that these stars could be used in the interpretation of astrological charts. . However, technology was lacking to accurately analyze the characteristics of these supposed planets.

In order to enrich the interpretation of astrological charts, astrologers who were also astronomers used the symbolism of celestial bodies in astrological reading, such as fixed stars and others.

Planets in Astrology
Illustration by Caseyillustrates via Dribbble

In the last two centuries, with the emergence of the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, also known as generational or transpersonal, a lot has changed in the area of ​​astrology. In addition to these planets, asteroids began to be used in astrological chart readings, enhancing interpretations.

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It is up to each astrologer to use the techniques and concepts with which he is most in tune and that, above all, respond in the best way to the questions raised by the consultants.

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