Best spots to see flying saucers

In 1982, Steven Spielberg's movie "ET - The Extra-Terrestrial" was released worldwide. In the feature film, a boy, Elliot, takes in an unusual being inside his house. While their friendship is admirable, not everyone is happy to have an inhabitant of another planet here on Earth.

The possible existence of extraterrestrial life generates fear, distrust and fear in many people. In others, it causes admiration, amazement and a deep curiosity. A question that must have crossed the mind of even the most skeptical is: are human beings alone in the universe?

To answer this question, there are many different theories. And there are also events that provide solid bases for the hypotheses: the appearance of flying saucers on the earth's surface. Unidentified Flying Objects, as they are called, are studied by ufology and always give something to talk about when they are seen.

Next, let's recall which were the five appearances of flying saucers that marked world history. Did any of them happen in España? Had you already been born when it happened? Find it out!

Appearances of flying saucers

1) Washington, 1952

Best spots to see flying saucers
Jorge Alcala / Unsplash / Canva

The first sighting of a flying saucer took place in 1952, in the capital of the United States of America, Washington. At that time, seven similar flying objects, which emitted a yellow light, were seen flying over the city over several weekends. The population was frightened and believed that the aliens were plotting an invasion.

The US Air Force quickly found a justification for the phenomenon. According to the institution, the aerial radars wrongly pointed to the presence of UFOs, since, in fact, what happened was a thermal inversion. The hot and humid air met the cold and dry air and compromised the reading made by the equipment. But nothing explained the bright objects in the sky!

2) São Paulo, 1986

It seems that España has already received flying saucers! In the year 1986, in São Paulo, the appearance of twenty UFOs in the airspace of the city led to a desperate measure by the military forces. Five jets were sent into the sky to intercept what could be an alien invasion.

Mysteriously, the unidentified flying objects disappeared before the jet pilots could even see them. To satisfy the public's curiosity, Geoffrey Perry, a British researcher, explained that the UFOs came from the destruction of a Russian space station. The weird part of this story is that these supposed rubble never made it to the ground.

3) Belgium, 1989-1990

During several months, between 1989 and 1990, in Belgium, the Air Force identified hundreds of flying objects. They were large, dark triangles, emitting colored lights. This time, the Belgian authorities did not try to justify the phenomenon. To this day there is no official explanation for what was seen in the skies over Belgium, but one person tried to explain.

Renaud Reclet, a French ufologist, determined that the glowing triangular UFOs were nothing more than helicopters. How many triangular helicopters have you seen? Apparently, they were really flying saucers!

4) Turkey, 2008

Long after the first appearances, flying saucers were discussed again. In Turkey, in 2008, a large disc was spotted in the sky for months. Because it is more recent than the previous ones and because it is a UFO with the exact shape of a disk, this is considered one of the most important events in ufology.

Turkey, however, claimed that the alleged flying saucer was a montage or an animation. This version differs from the official response from world UFO authorities, who stated that the spacecraft was not computerized.

5) London, 2011

In 2011, in London, thousands of witnesses shared videos and images of three flying objects in the vicinity of the internationally known Tower of London. In this case, the flying saucers were whitish luminous points.

According to ufologists who had knowledge of the phenomenon, the objects were not flying saucers, but a montage. Could it be that so many people have decided to take the time to simulate UFOs?

Best places to see flying saucers

After knowing the main sightings of flying saucers in the world, are you prepared to witness this phenomenon? Prepare your binoculars, choose comfortable clothes and take a quality camera: time to learn the 10 best places to see flying saucers.

1) Wycliffe Well

Australia is an internationally known destination for being home to kangaroos and koalas, but did you know that it is also possible to spot flying saucers? Wycliffe Well is one of the best places for ufology lovers, as it is known as the capital of flying objects. The best time to visit the place is from May to October.

2) Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park

In España, Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, located in Goiás, is a destination sought after by people who want to enjoy the visits of extraterrestrial beings. Residents of the region claim that they have already lived and witnessed abductions, including. If you want to know more about these events, talk to local citizens about it!

3) Area 51

Those who love conspiracy theories and ufology have a full plate at Area 51, in the United States of America. The region is officially an airport that cannot be accessed by any individual, as it functions as a military base. It is believed, however, that this is a place where the US government produces weapons and ships using the alien technology they store.

4) Varginha

If you've never heard of Varginha's ET, it's time to catch up on ufology in España! The supposed appearance of an extraterrestrial and flying saucers in Varginha (in 1996), Minas Gerais, turned this region into a popular tourist destination for those who want to see flying saucers. There's even a spaceship-shaped water tank!

5) Paranal Observatory

The Atacama Desert in Chile is a perfect spot for viewing UFOs. The Paranal Observatory is the best place to identify flying saucers in the country, which accumulates reports of this type of phenomenon precisely in this location. If you're passing through Chile, why not check it out?

6) Itacuruba

The purpose of Itacuruba, in Pernambuco, would not be to observe extraterrestrials or flying saucers. The Sertão de Itaparica Astronomical Observatory provides the necessary materials to appreciate the stars and the sky, and, if the visitor is lucky, he may come across a flying saucer.

7) Molebka's Triangle

In Russia, the Molebka Triangle region is one of the most mysterious in the world. Although it is not possible to see many flying saucers in the sky, clocks and electronic devices stop working in place. This phenomenon is interpreted by Russian residents as the work of aliens. Seems like just going there to check it out!

8) Peruíbe

Peruíbe, in São Paulo, is a popular destination for ufologists. If you want to go to the region in order to discover the mysteries about aliens or learn more about flying saucers, you will find a travel itinerary especially for that purpose. It is worth checking!

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9) Chapada Diamantina

In Bahia, Chapada Diamantina may be the destination you are looking for to find information and data about the alien presence in España. At two points, the Cachoeira da Fumaça and the Poço Encantado, you will be able to see cave paintings that narrate the arrival of extraterrestrials in the territory.

10) Sete Cidades National Park

In the Sete Cidades National Park, in Piauí, ufology went a little further than in other places. For the residents of the region, Pedra Castelo do Piauí is not just any rock formation. It is believed that an alien being lives trapped inside it and, therefore, it is possible to identify flying saucers in the place.

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