Why should you include quinoa in your diet?

If you follow channels or blogs that share healthy recipes, you must have seen quinoa as an ingredient for many recipes. But what is the reason for this little seed to be so loved by people who are dedicated to health? Below you will understand the benefits of quinoa and you will also find tips to consume it deliciously!

Quinoa is the most complete cereal for your diet

Originally from South America, quinoa is a type of edible seed that can be found in white, black or red colors. It has so many health benefits that, in 2013, the United Nations (UN) declared the International Year of Quinoa to publicize the benefits of the food.

Why should you include quinoa in your diet?
oksanashufrych / Canva

What is so special about this seed is its composition, which carries protein, fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and antioxidants, and also provides the essential amino acids for the body to function. This extensive list of good things in its composition makes it popular in supplementing the diet of athletes, vegetarians and diabetics, for example.

Among the benefits of consuming quinoa are:

Lowering cholesterol: A study published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition found that rats fed a diet with quinoa lowered their bad cholesterol by 57%.

  • Control of diabetes and hypertension: according to researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP), the presence of the antioxidant quercetin in quinoa helps control type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
  • Helps in weight loss: The amount of protein and fiber present in quinoa makes us feel fuller for longer, which prevents us from eating more food during the day. In addition, it also improves the functioning of the intestine, a fact that also helps in weight loss.
  • Assists in muscle mass gain: according to the World Health Organization, about 100 g of the seed has 14 g of protein, so its consumption helps in the formation and maintenance of muscles.
  • Increases immunity: source of vitamins C and E and flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol, quinoa helps to strengthen the body against diseases.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, quinoa consumption also helps prevent anemia, protects our bones and can prevent heart disease, and all this already makes us think that it may be a good idea to include the seed in our diet, right?

Let's go, then, for some ways of consuming the seed:

How to make quinoa in a tasty way?

Quinoa is that versatile type of food that can be prepared in different ways. Here we will mention the simplest ones for you to start introducing food into your routine:

Cooked Quinoa to Replace Rice

Why should you include quinoa in your diet?
DalaiFood / Canva

For those who want to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, quinoa can be an option to replace rice in meals. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 cups (240 ml) of water;
  • 1 cup (170 g) of quinoa;
  • Salt to taste.

In a pan, place the water, quinoa and salt and boil for 15 to 20 minutes.

Quinoa in Juices and Shakes

If you are a person who prefers not to taste quinoa, one option is to add it to natural juices or protein shakes.

The best way to do this is to use quinoa flour or to blend the seed in a blender to make it easier to ingest.

The amount used varies depending on the amount of juice or shake you are preparing.

Try it in salads!

Whether in vegetable or fruit salads, a tablespoon of quinoa adds all the nutrients from the seed to that meal!

In this case, you can use either raw or cooked quinoa.

quinoa bread

Why should you include quinoa in your diet?
dlerick de Getty Images Signature / Canva

In addition to all the benefits that quinoa has, this bun is still gluten free! For this recipe, you will need:

  • 1 cup quinoa flour
  • 1 cup oat flakes, gluten-free
  • 1 cup sweet sprinkle
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ tablespoon instant organic dry yeast
  • 1 tablespoon psyllium
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1¼ cup warm water
  • 1 tablespoon quinoa flakes (optional)


Place the quinoa flour, oatmeal, sweet sprinkle, brown sugar, salt, yeast and psyllium in a bowl and stir well with a spoon.

Then add the olive oil and gradually add the warm water while mixing. Stir until the dough is thick and it should not be dry. If necessary, add water carefully.

Transfer the mixture to a medium loaf pan, spreading the dough with wet hands until it is very smooth.

Place the mold with the dough on a larger baking sheet and let it rise in the turned off oven next to a cup of hot water. This can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Then, just take the bread to bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

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Easy, affordable and full of benefits, quinoa is an ingredient worth adding to our diet. And you, do you already have the habit of consuming it? If you haven't already, this text may have been a sign that consuming quinoa will be very good for your health!

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