Why don't vegans eat eggs?

    Let's explain the situation in which laying hens “live”.

    As the production is on a large scale, they are confined in tiny cages where they cannot touch the ground, they only have the cages as a base.

    Imagine yourself in a place where you can't reach the floor and bars at your feet? Sad, isn't it? Well, that's where laying hens find themselves.

    When they are still small, they have their beaks cut, a process defined as beak trimming, thus not being able to consume their own eggs, they spend their whole lives without being able to see the sunlight, because they stay in a shed with the lights on 24 hours, so tiny that it's the cages that can't even flap their wings. Male chicks are discarded in the trash, thrown into machines that crush them while they are still alive or can be asphyxiated, a common process in this industry. This is a summary of the cruel reality of laying hens. Many fight for the end of the cages, but this is an illusion, because they will continue in a shed under the same conditions, the only difference being that they will be stepping on each other because they don't have enough space.

    Why don't vegans eat eggs?

    When they no longer produce eggs, they are discarded as waste and “used” by various companies as by-products.

    – I can't eat eggs from my neighbor's or a relative's free-range chickens? 

    We can do everything, but not everything is convenient and correct. By eating these eggs, we are robbing the chickens of their natural resources.

    Vegans fight for the abolition of animal exploitation.

    Everyone deserves ideal conditions for survival and the right to life, regardless of species.

    The egg belongs to the hen, it does not belong to us.

    Are we not taught from a young age that it is wrong to take something that is not ours? So this must be applied in every way.

    Alternatives in grandma's cake or candy recipes instead of each egg:

    • 01 tablespoon (soup) of linseed + 03 tablespoons (soup) of water;
    • 01 tablespoon of chia + 1/3 glass of water;
    • 01 spoon (soup) agar-agar + 01 spoon (soup) of water;
    • 1/2 ripe banana;
    • 1/4 cup of apple juice;
    • 01 tablespoon of corn starch.

    Make a difference, change habits!

    “Happy would the Earth be if all beings were united by the bonds of benevolence and fed only on pure food, without shedding blood. The golden grains that are born for everyone would feed and give plenty to the world.”

    – Buddha.

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