Why do some family problems seem impossible to solve?

    I believe that all of us, living with a family member or even alone, have conflicts with someone in our family. Some more serious than others, but they all involve one thing: the difference of opinion.

    We grew up in a home with parents who gave us certain values ​​that were right for them. Whether it's good or not, it's certain that, throughout our lives, we can change our minds about it, that is, we can agree and follow the same steps or disagree and go the other way.

    Even if our choice is good, because it is different from theirs, it usually generates a conflict between parents and children. Parents think that children never know what's best, and children, most of the time, don't care or have the patience to argue in a healthy way.

    With siblings, in addition to the difference of opinions, what happens a lot is jealousy and dispute. They vie for attention, financial resources, etc.

    Why do some family problems seem impossible to solve?

    When coexistence with parents and siblings is healthy, and everyone has the same belief, the same way of seeing things, another conflict can occur: with the spouse. This is because the upbringing in one home and another are different, the values ​​are different and, when each one defends that he is more right than the other and nobody gives in, then the relationship gets complicated; what complicates also is the raising of children with such controversial opinions among parents.

    At this point, couple or family therapy is useful, making everyone reflect and understand their role in the home, what their responsibilities are, the importance of knowing how to listen and then expressing their opinion, understanding that everyone, without exception, they are just looking for their place in the world and that no one holds all the truth and what is right for some is not right for others.

    What we should all consider before judging is: what are the consequences, if such a thing is socially accepted, if we are not harming others, etc. Through these reflections, we can find healthy ways to deal with these differences so that no one loses out.

    A very effective alternative method for serious problems for which we cannot identify an apparent reason, or which we cannot resolve with therapy, is the Past Life Therapy. It can even be carried out online with videoconferencing.

    If you are facing such a situation, look for a trained Holistic Therapist.

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