Why are we tired and feeling like time goes by fast?

    As time goes by, it is becoming more common to hear from people that they are more tired. Whether physical or mental exhaustion. At the same time, they also report that they feel that time seems to be β€œflying”. Do you identify with that feeling? Then read this text!

    The time is the same, but we are different

    If that sentence doesn't conform to you, I'm sorry, but it's reality. The clock follows the same schedule. The days are still 24 hours long and the 7 days of the week are still the same. It is physics and we cannot escape this explanation.

    It turns out that technology has invaded our lives. Before, our ancestors communicated by letter. Events involving commitments were not many. Not today. We process a lot of information every day. We talked to a friend who lives on the other side of the world and it gives us the feeling that he is close to us.

    Commitments and work have become part of our daily lives. Many come home and still remain working. Even before sleeping, they still remain connected. They sleep, and when they wake up, they have the distinct feeling that they haven't slept much. Soon, the tired days begin and, thus, they go until the weekend, where they try to catch up on sleep, but the connection is still strong with technology. In other words, we are others. Observe the parks, the places you frequent. We talk more virtually than in person. 

    fatigue and connection

    In addition to having changed, as technology has also provided this change, we are connected. The connection invaded our life and those who can't put a limit can even stay connected 24 hours. But connected we end up not relaxing, even if we believe we are relaxing, but the simple fact that we are in a hammock lying down and typing does not mean that we are relaxing. And therein lies the big difference. Connection also tires us, even if we are lying down, because the excess of information gives the feeling that time flies, the mind tires and the body too.

    Why are we tired and feeling like time goes by fast?

    There are also some habits that make us more tired, such as: sleeping little, poor diet, excessive worry, among others. In order to have a more peaceful life, it is important to change these habits that we perceive are not good for us.

    life that passes

    The fundamental thing is to be aware that life passes, we get older. These processes are part of life. But in order not to go into an autopilot, you need to start being aware of some actions.

    Seeking help from alternative therapies that can make us stop for a while, breathe and think is good. Meditation and yoga can help many people to stop and live one day at a time. When we take the first kick, other more important things begin to appear in our lives.

    Therapies are important as they help us to stop, enjoy the present moment without dwelling on the past or the future, as that is how most people feel today. As a result, stress and anxiety increase. Allow yourself to take breaks, put your cell phone aside for a while. Allow yourself to say that you relaxed and believe me, it is possible and it is very good.

    Written by Angelica Weise of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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