White Rose and Tea Tree for immunity

    In more than a year of a pandemic, a little more accustomed to the mental impact and waiting for such a vaccine, we often forget that we can increase our immunity naturally, on a daily basis, making us feel safe by itself.

    Among some possibilities, our dear white rose, fragrant and beneficial for many issues, brings peace and tranquility after a bath with them. It's great for discharges, it attracts and anchors heavenly angels, and especially for our current scene, it also boosts immunity.

    White rose tea, a whole flower for a liter of water more or less, soothes the soul and protects us, increasing our immunity. It is an effective alternative for those who want to follow a natural path. This whole issue of mental peace that it brings is also very important, because toxic thoughts attract bad times, and in the organic part it increases the antibodies in communion.

    White Rose and Tea Tree for immunity
    Free-Photos / Pixabay / Canva

    As for our body, an alternative to add to the consumption of white roses is tea tree essential oil, which can be diluted in body oils 3 drops to 100 ml more or less. It is a natural antibacterial, which enhances our effort to be present and healthy here on Earth.

    And to close this combo with a flourish today, our beloved sun, enjoy our autumn and winter mornings where he usually hides, so we have to grab him when he appears. It motivates us and keeps us anchored in our daily purposes, our dear mind in harmony with our daily practices.

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    We know that vaccines are there, but that nature changes, as well as our attitudes too… Besides them, there is our faith and information, ancestral practices that guarantee and prevent our being, as well as taking care of nature. It's like we're taking care of ourselves. When facing all beings as a universal family, respect increases our immunity, acceptance as well. May all beings be happy, may everyone be safe, human beings, animals, vegetables, minerals, may the waters be safe, may the air be saved! Amen.

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