What is taioba used for?

Taioba is a species of plant considered simple or even a weed by many people, but in reality it is highly nutritious. It is an unconventional food plant (PANC), it can be found in small local fairs and home gardens.

Because it is edible and the method of preparing taioba is similar to that of other vegetables, it can be said that it is a vegetable. Its leaves are dark, similar to cabbage, the difference is that they are wider and have a shape that resembles a heart.

The scientific name of taioba is Xanthosoma sagittifolium, it belongs to the acacia family and is cultivated in countries with hot and humid climates. It is called by different names according to the region. Some of the best known are: elephant ear, mangará, macabo, mangará-mirim, mangarito, mangareto, taiá or yautia.

Because it is rich in some nutrients, taioba can help in the treatment of diseases, in addition to promoting health when combined with a balanced life.

It has high amount of iron. The consumption of taioba can help fight anemia. Just as beets and beans, for example, can increase iron levels in the blood, taioba can also be an ally in this goal.

What is taioba used for?
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In addition to iron, it is rich in vitamins from the B complex, which increase energy and reduce the fatigue that is common in those who have this disease. Because it is rich in fiber, it can improve digestion and intestinal transit, consequently combating constipation and facilitating evacuation.

It is a great source of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for healthy bones, strengthening them and preventing injuries, fractures and even fighting osteoporosis.

These minerals are also important for dental health and muscle contraction, improving strength and favoring the functioning of the heart.

Taioba is rich in potassium, a mineral that helps keep blood pressure stable because it acts as a vasodilator, which prevents spikes in blood pressure and helps keep it normal. Due to the same mineral, it can also be important to fight muscle cramps, which occur with a lack of potassium.

It has a high concentration of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system, thus increasing protection against colds and flu. Since a good immunity prevents the entry of germs, viruses and bacteria.

Due to the presence of vitamin A and carotenoids, it can help fight premature aging, as the vitamin acts in the production of collagen. In addition, vitamin A is important for eye health, preventing vision problems and even night blindness or cataracts.

While taioba is rich in fiber, which promotes satiety for longer, it also has few calories, which can be positive for those who want to lose weight.

What do you eat from taioba?

The preparation of taioba for consumption can be made whole, that is, the leaves and stems are edible. Its flavor when cooked is close to that of spinach, and it can be chopped as you usually cut cabbage.

braised taioba

What is taioba used for?
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The simplest, but no less tasty, way to eat taioba is braised. Combines with the traditional rice, beans and mix. It will give a different look to the everyday meal.


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 thread of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 5 taro leaves


First wash the taioba, then chop it coarsely or leave it very fine. Once that's done, just sauté with garlic, a thread of oil and salt to taste. In a few minutes it will be cooked and ready to eat.

Can you eat raw taioba?

It is not recommended to eat raw taioba as it has a high concentration of calcium oxalate. However, it is tasty in several cooked recipes, in addition to the braised form, as in the example of the topic above.

A practical way that will improve a recipe that you may already make is to put the taioba stalks in the omelet.

omelet with taioba

Omelet is a simple recipe, which is always present in most people's diet. To make the omelet even tastier and more nutritious, just add the taioba.


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 spoon of coriander
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano


To prepare, just remove the skin from the stalks and cut into slices, then pass in salted water. Once that's done, it's ready to mix with the ingredients of your choice to make the omelet. A suggestion is to put 2 eggs beaten with salt, oregano and cilantro. Then place in a greased skillet over medium heat and let it brown on both sides.

Taioba cake

What is taioba used for?
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A tasty option that needs few ingredients to make is the taioba dumpling. Perfect to combine with meals or even as a snack.


  • 5 taro leaves
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • Breadcrumbs
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of coriander
  • Pepper to taste
  • 2 cups of oil


Cook the taioba leaves in water for a few minutes, until they are very soft. Then just drain and give the thermal shock, placing them in a container with ice.

Place the taioba in a bowl and mix with 1 egg, garlic, seasonings and finally the breadcrumbs. Once this is done, just mix well until it becomes a homogeneous mass and make balls of the size you prefer.

The last steps to enjoy this recipe are to dip the balls in a beaten egg, then in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil until golden.

Curiosity: How to identify it

The taioba plant has another very similar species, known as taioba-brava, which can cause asphyxia, so it is not consumed, whereas the edible one is called taioba-mansa.

It is important to know how to identify taioba-mansa. Both species are green and have stalks of the same color. In addition they have striking ribs, are soft and creamy after cooking. Their shape is triangular, which resembles the figure of the heart.

What makes them different is that, in taioba-taioba, the junction of the two parts, resembling the shape of the heart, occurs at the meeting of the stalk, whereas in taioba-brava, the meeting is before the insertion of the purplish-colored stalk.

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After knowing the numerous benefits of this vegetable, which looks like a simple plant, how about including it in a dish of the week? If the taste, which is neutral, close to spinach, pleases you, it is already a new food in your diet, which will certainly only improve your health.

Emphasizing the importance of healthy habits combined with its consumption, it is also essential to acquire it from someone who knows it so as not to consume the wrong species.

Test, create and experiment. The diversity of foods and nutrients is immense, enjoy!

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