What is sleep paralysis?

Science describes sleep paralysis as a temporary inability to move or speak during the awakening process. According to experts, this happens because of a disconnect between motor, cognitive, emotional and perceptual functions in the transition between sleep and wakefulness. That is, the person who is almost asleep or almost waking up cannot control their own movements.

This is where the feeling of tightness in the chest and the hallucinations come from, both caused by the fear of not being able to control the body and speech. In addition, the person may hear strange sounds as the muscles in the ear continue to function even when all other muscles in the body are relaxed during sleep.

Sleep paralysis for spiritualism

On the other hand, according to the spiritist view, sleep paralysis has other explanations. It is important to remember that, according to Spiritism, the brain is just a channel of manifestation that has no conscience of its own. The human being, therefore, is formed only by the body and the spirit.

In this sense, sleep paralysis can be an experience of evolution of the spirit, in which body and spirit would be preparing for a life between the two planes.

What is sleep paralysis?
Teo Tarras/Shutterstock

Another theory has to do with the belief that we live very close to disembodied spirits. Therefore, when seeing or feeling presences during awakening, the person would be having an involuntary interaction with one of these beings. They appear frighteningly or exaggeratedly, because spiritual perception does not happen in the same way as sensory perception.

However, there is still the explanation that these figures present such evil appearances because they are unhappy disembodied spirits who take advantage of sleep paralysis to mock.

For those who have no religious belief, the phenomenon can be a stimulus for spiritual awakening.

Sleep Paralysis According to the Bible

As for those who follow Christianity, the justification given by the Bible is found in Psalm 91:5. He says: โ€œYou shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that stalks in the dark, nor of the slaughter that ravages at noon.โ€

Therefore, the interpretation is that the sleep paralysis and all the visions that happen during the episode represent a spiritual attack coordinated by demons or other low vibration beings.

Regardless of which explanation you consider the most valid, the truth is that sleep paralysis can happen to anyone. Learn to identify it next.

Types of sleep paralysis

Most of the time, this phenomenon is described as a traumatic and terrifying experience, like that provided by a horror movie. Based on reports from several patients, sleep paralysis has been classified into three main types:

What is sleep paralysis?
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  • Intruder: when the person feels or reports seeing a strange being in the room;
  • Unusual body experience: when the person feels that he is floating and seeing his own body as if he were above it;
  • Incubus: when the person feels pressure in the chest accompanied by shortness of breath.

Science explains hallucinations because of the sudden exit from the REM state of sleep, which is the phase of deep rest in which the individual dreams. When we sleep, all muscles relax to conserve energy and avoid sudden movements. If there is a failure in communication between the brain and the body in this process, you have sleep paralysis, accompanied by hallucinations.

The sensation of floating on one's own body, in turn, may be related to altered neural processing in brain regions that gather the information necessary to understand body images and the notion of oneself.

But what can cause sleep paralysis? Find out about possible motivations below:

Causes of sleep paralysis

There are still no clear explanations for what causes sleep paralysis, but the hypotheses raised by scientists suggest that it is a multifactorial event.

Some of the investigations have related the phenomenon to substance use, traumatic or stressful situations, genetic influences, sleep problems and disorders, and psychiatric disorders. The most plausible motivations seem to be post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder and narcolepsy.

Moreover, There are some factors that increase a person's chance of having sleep paralysis. These include irregular bedtimes, sleep deprivation and stress.

Sleeping on your back can also be a trigger. No wonder, the legend of Pisadeira tells that there is an old woman with long nails who hides on the roofs at night and steps on the chest of those who sleep in that position, hence the tightness in the chest during paralysis.

According to spiritism, the cause has to do with the attack of obsessive spirits.. That is, souls of people attached to the material world who continue with worldly needs even after death. They are the presence that the victim sees during sleep paralysis, unable to defend himself. Attacks can be motivated by past life revenge or negative energies.

And how to recognize such an episode? Check out the symptoms below:

Symptoms of sleep paralysis

The main signs that you are experiencing sleep paralysis are:

  • Not being able to move the body, but feeling awake;
  • Shortness of breathe;
  • Extreme distress, fear and anxiety;
  • Feeling of falling or floating on the body;
  • Hallucinations, such as hearing strange voices or sounds from people who are not in the room;
  • Feeling of being drowned.
What is sleep paralysis?
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As it is a traumatic experience, the persistent phenomenon can influence the quality of sleep, causing insomnia, fatigue, lack of concentration and memory, a drop in performance at school or work, demotivation and isolation. Keep reading and learn how to avoid it.

How to prevent sleep paralysis

According to science, good sleep habits are enough to prevent an individual from going through sleep paralysis โ€“ not least because it is estimated that paralysis only happens once or twice in a lifetime. For this, it is recommended:

  • Sleep 6 to 8 hours per night;
  • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every time;
  • Avoid energy drinks before bed;
  • Do not use your cell phone before going to bed.

In the spiritist view, it is only possible to combat the phenomenon by fully knowing all its causes. In this way, one of the ways to avoid it is to protect your energy and that of your home, in order to ward off negative energies.

The Bath of Jesus, for example, is a ritual that aims to encourage this protection. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Cook hominy in 1 liter of pure water;
  2. Mash 3 sprigs of basil in a separate bowl of water;
  3. When the hominy is ready, separate the water and mix with the basil;
  4. Take a bath with this water from the neck down, mentalizing the expulsion of bad energies.
  5. Sleep with the bath on your body.

Another option is the energy bath. Here's how to prepare:

  1. Heat two liters of water and place indigo stone or liquid indigo until the water turns blue;
  2. Shower normally;
  3. Pour the blue water from the neck down, mentalizing;
  4. Let the bath dry naturally;
  5. Repeat the process for 16 days in a row.

There is also the alternative of incense and crystals to restore energy balance and energize the environment. Incense of rue, guinea, sage and white rose, and black crystals, such as onyx and tourmaline, are the most suitable.

But if you still have sleep paralysis, don't worry! There are a few techniques to get rid of this experience, which we will get to know below.

What to do during sleep paralysis?

Normally, there is no need to worry, as after a few seconds or minutes, control of the movements spontaneously returns. Sleep paralysis is not dangerous, and, despite the distressing symptoms, is not life-threatening.

But expert advice is to try to think logically and focus the body's energy on making small movements, such as moving your fingers and tongue or blinking repeatedly. This can speed up the return. If someone touches you during the episode, that also helps.

In the spiritual sphere, there is prayer, as highlighted by Allan Kardec. The prayers of the Our Father or Saint Michael of the Archangel are very powerful to combat obsessive spirits in this situation.

Can sleep paralysis be considered a disease?

What is sleep paralysis?
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As we have seen, sleep paralysis is not a health problem and it happens rarely. However, if it appears on a recurring basis, that is, at least two episodes within six months, you need to be on the lookout. It is likely that the phenomenon is related to a strong emotional charge, so it is recommended to seek help from a professional. He will possibly indicate the treatment to follow.

Is there treatment for sleep paralysis?

As sleep paralysis is directly related to the quality of sleep, some habit changes will be necessary to end the episodes. Adopting fixed bedtimes, avoiding the use of electronic equipment (the famous โ€œblue screensโ€) and not consuming drinks such as energy drinks or coffee before bed can help.

More severe cases or those related to specific disorders may require the follow-up of neurologists and/or psychiatrists, who will provide the appropriate treatment according to the condition.

A mystery still without many solutions

Despite the information listed here, sleep paralysis remains a phenomenon little studied by science. Evidence is scarce, and it is not possible to say with certainty about some aspects of this event.

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  • Discover the terrifying legend of Pisadeira
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Even so, the expectation is that we will soon have more data on the subject. Meanwhile, the tip is to protect yourself spiritually and take care of sleep. Don't be silly, the next victim could be you!

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