Everything you need to know about the contraceptive implant

Although sexist society says that every woman was born to be a mother, the reality is very different from that. For many women, the desire to exercise motherhood does not exist. Others, however, have already had the children they wanted and do not want to continue getting pregnant.

So contraceptive methods, which prevent pregnancy, can be used by women who only want to get pregnant in the future, by those who have already had children and even by those who do not have this desire.

The contraceptive implant is one of the options for women who do not want to become pregnant. It does not protect against STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections), so it must be used in conjunction with a condom (female or male), but it is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, so it is a safe choice for this purpose. Next, learn more about him!

contraceptive implant

Everything you need to know about the contraceptive implant
Josep Suria/ 123RF

Also called an Implanon, Organon or birth control implant, this method of preventing pregnancy consists of a three-centimeter-diameter silicone tube that releases hormones into a woman's bloodstream when implanted under the skin of her arm by a gynecologist. .

The release of hormones through the silicone tube is continuous, so women who take birth control pills and often forget to take the medicine will find the solution to this problem in the implant. The device lasts for three years and must be recommended by a healthcare professional.

How it works?

The contraceptive implant releases the hormone progesterone, which prevents ovulation. Without this process, there is no possibility of fertilization of a mature egg by a sperm. In addition, the implant thickens the cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to pass into the fallopian tubes, where fertilization takes place.

What are the advantages?

Everything you need to know about the contraceptive implant
Polina Zimmerman/Pexels

Like the contraceptive pill, the implant can alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual tension, in addition to being a very effective method. As there is no need to ingest the product daily, it is also a guarantee that the woman will be protected against pregnancy.

What are the disadvantages?

For some women, excess hormones released into the bloodstream can cause weight gain and swelling. The contraceptive implant also cannot be used by women who have active venous thrombosis, liver tumor or disease, unexplained vaginal bleeding, or who are suspected of being pregnant. It is important to carry out medical follow-up to verify the impacts of the implant on the body over time.

Value of the contraceptive implant

The contraceptive implant can be found in pharmacies for a price ranging from 900 to 2.000 thousand reais. It is not available in the Unified Health System, so it is necessary to pay for it. Remember that only a healthcare professional can implant the device into the woman's body, with local anesthesia in the skin of the arm.

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If you don't want to get pregnant and don't mind using a hormonal contraceptive method, birth control implants are a great option. In addition to the long durability, there is no risk of forgetting to ingest the medicine. If you are interested in this alternative, talk to your gynecologist!

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