What is music?

For starters, can we hear a song? Below, I have three suggestions:

– Choose a song that you like. If you can't hear it right now, hum it in your mind.

- Close your eyes.

– Listen on headphones… CALM DOWN, WAIT A MOMENT! When you finish the song, no more browsing through social networks, come back to continue reading, huh?!

Now yes, we can continue our prose. For you, what is music? Can you give a definition for this word? I asked some people from my acquaintance to give a definition to our question and I will share it here with you:

“For me, music is everything. It's dawn, dusk, dusk, music is passion, love, enchantment..."

“An art of voicing good or bad feelings.”

And for you, reader? already managed to define what is music?

Continuing, we still have the dictionary definition: 1.art that teaches how to combine sounds that produce a pleasant effect; 2. Sound combination result.

See how broad in meaning is a single word that seems so obvious. Explaining what music is is very subjective, so there is no right or wrong. There are people a little more concrete who will say about the properties of sound, and others who will try to explain in a more synesthetic way.

Music, among the arts, it is the only language that happens in time and space and that we cannot feel its final result. We can spend hours philosophizing about the possible definitions of music and still not have a clock. Generally speaking, we can draw lines that run parallel to what might be a possible definition.

What is music?

The definitions of music have changed as our society evolves, in the last century this definition has undergone numerous mutations, something that would be unlikely to happen before the XNUMXth century.

A definition that I think is the most contemporary is what John Cage says, that music is sounds, sounds that are all around us and that are not only in large concert halls.

We can, then, consider that music is all the sounds that are around us and that we have the objective of considering this stimulus as music, be it the sound of Gregorian chants, celestial harps or even the car's warning lights (which work very well as a metronome, lol) or a pressure cooker when cooking some food.

Try closing your eyes for 2 minutes and listening to the organic and spontaneous composition happening right now, whether at your work, office, classroom or waiting in a doctor's office. Try escaping this weekend to a park, garden or hike and try the same thing.

Listen to the composition of life!
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