How to enjoy the summer outside the beauty standard

With the arrival of summer, many people who are outside the beauty standard imposed by society may ask themselves: “How am I going to enjoy this time of year?”, and we could answer in a very simple way and even end this article here: “ You put on a bikini and go to the beach”, simple! But as we know that people are mean, judgmental and prejudiced, we need to talk a little more about this subject!

As much as we are very well resolved with our body, the looks and words of others reach us, sadden us and make us want to hide our curves or even avoid enjoying the heat of summer. At times, we ourselves worry about our appearance and feel uncomfortable in front of other people. But then, what to do to enjoy the beaches, pools, sunbathing and everything that this happy season has to offer, without worrying about aesthetic standards? Keep reading because we will help you!

acceptance process

Accepting your own body is a process, a constant work that needs to be signed every day. That's because, when we least expect it, someone arrives with a malicious comment full of prejudices that ends up letting us down. These types of “attacks” occur year-round, but in the summer they gain a great deal of emphasis. It is necessary to be prepared and understand that we are the ones who decide what is the perfect type of body for our life.

Do you feel good about your body? If the answer is no, try to understand why. Is it because others say bad things about him or is it because you really feel uncomfortable? Society can never speak louder than you, because, after all, you are the one who pays your bills, you are the one who lives your life and no one has the right and power to get inside you and cause you any harm.

How to enjoy the summer outside the beauty standard
Jill Wellington / Pixabay

You can be whoever you want, thin, fat, have short hair, long hair… it all depends exclusively on your own being! And you will only feel happy and satisfied with the way you look when you can accept who you are - people will always have something to say, some "flaw" to point out and they will find a way to let you down in a different way, you having 50 or 100 pounds.

Want to know what needs to be done to have a perfect body for going to the beach? It's simple: get a body and go to the beach! If only it were that simple, right? We know that summer activities can make anyone uncomfortable, and it's not easy and there's no way to force someone to understand your beauty or make a person comfortable in the midst of so many judgments. But if you're afraid that you won't be able to enjoy the summer because you're outside the beauty standards, we've separated five tips that will help you enjoy this time of year with the lightness of being who you are. Check out!

1. Understand that you can

That's it: you can! You can have stretch marks, you can shave your legs, you can not shave your armpits, you can have cellulite, you can be fat, thin, you can have your hair shaved, colored, you can absolutely anything! There are no rules that prohibit you from anything, there are only judgments! But what are we to do with judgments? Nothing, everyone gives what they have, and if people dedicate their time to judging other people's appearances, that's totally their problem. How about squandering a smile on the beach with the bikini you would most like to wear? You may! Break these aesthetic standards that afflict and hide many people!

2. Break through your barriers

Summer is the perfect time to face your fears! No more hiding behind what others say about you! Face with what causes you fear, break the truths that were imposed since your growth, that made you believe that there was an ideal body. Release your curves, your shapes, your beauties. Give yourself a chance, treat your body and mind well!

3. Turn things around

Do you know the standard of "hot" that society imposes? So, are we going to reverse this ideal? You don't have to be hot the way others think you should be. The only thing that needs to be, yes, obligatorily as hot as someone imagines, is summer for you! He has to be tasty and exceed your expectations, after all, as mentioned in tip number one, you can do whatever you want! You just have to be you!

How to enjoy the summer outside the beauty standard
Free-Photos / Pixabay

4. Find what makes you comfortable

Summer is a very, very hot time, and because of that, it is difficult to wear certain pieces of clothing. If you feel uncomfortable with that blouse that would be ideal for the moment, you can find ways to wear it worry-free - valuing your body. If you don't like your legs and really want to wear a skirt, do it! Choose the perfect color for the moment, the ideal size, and use it! If you have difficulty taking risks, go little by little. It doesn't cover so much of itself and I didn't want to wear whatever someone else is wearing just to be accepted! Your comfort is the main thing!

5. Don't push your limits

You don't need to be able to put on a bikini and head to the beach at first. You don't have to be strong all the time or show confidence when you're insecure. It's okay to not be okay! If you feel any kind of discomfort, don't be alone! If you want to face a situation that you know will be difficult, ask someone you trust to accompany you. Confidence arises within us, and often feeling confidence from someone is encouraging!

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  • Demystify the beauty standards imposed by society
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Summer is for everyone, and even though beauty standards still exist, there are many encouraging and empowering movements that are able to give us a look of self-love. You are unique, your body is unique and your beauty is yours alone, it doesn't have to be based on what someone else imposes or on any other people's judgment. Every step of acceptance is very important, and enjoying the beach is something you can do without fear! You can do anything, remember that!

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