What is educommunication and how education can appropriate it

What is educommunication and how education can appropriate it

There are so many terms in the middle of education that we don't even know what they mean. But one that is expanding due to its positive aspects is the educommunication. But what does it mean? Educommunication is the use of technology within the classroom and its positive appropriation within the school environment, capable of improving the dynamics of the classroom.

How does it happen?

In educommunication, the means of communication are used to lead social actors to the production of culture. These practices aim to strengthen the role of social subjects, but for this it is necessary that the teacher or manager has the necessary knowledge to make this transition in the classroom.

Today there are many workshops training professionals to work with educommunication in the classroom. Recently, an article was published entitled Educommunicator, the teacher of the future. It was highlighted that the “Educommunicator acts as a mediator capable of encouraging changes, both in the reception of messages from the mass media and in the formation of critical and active citizens”.

What does education gain?

In the classroom, when the student is not only a listener, but also a protagonist, managing to put simple actions into practice, he can transform his daily life in the classroom. There are many examples. We can mention the elaboration of a documentary using a cell phone, a photonovela, the production of a radio program or even TV.

When the students are behind this creation, they become co-authors of the production, they are the ones who do the planning and execution. The teacher only gives autonomy to create and plan any event. This is also a way to make them more critical and thus form individuals who will not pass on information, but will do their due reflections.

The concept of Educommunication emerged from research carried out by the Communication and Education Center (NCE) at the University of SĂŁo Paulo (USP) in the late 1997s (1999-XNUMX), after carrying out the Profile of Educommunicator Research. It was coordinated by Professor Ismar de Oliveira Soares, internationally recognized for his research on the interrelationship of Communication and Education.

In other words, when communication and education go together, or rather, their practices come together, the concept of educommunication arises. It is possible that many teachers are doing educommunication without even knowing it. That more schools let their students become protagonists of their classes, giving them the opportunity to learn.

To learn more watch this video:

Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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