Fantastic parents! Happy Mothers Day!

    They also experience dual parenting roles and feel the same insecurities as us women. โ€œIs the medicine working?โ€, โ€œThe school lunch! I have to remember to leave it ready!โ€, โ€œI didn't see the tooth fall outโ€ฆโ€, โ€œNext Friday, at 09:00 am, there's a presentation at school. Heavens! Don't these schools know that we have to work?!โ€

    And so onโ€ฆ

    When custody is shared, other issues arise, as the differences between the ex-couple have not changed and opinions about their children's education may be even more diverse.

    Fantastic parents! Happy Mothers Day!

    In my personal and consulting experience, The best results always occur when parents understand that their children have come from both and they need a consistency of opinion when it comes to their upbringing.. This is a point that weighs on the balance of relationships.

    Children will not facilitate this task, as it belongs to adults. Child takes advantage of any loopholes he perceives when parents become insecure and contradictory. It's not out of malice, it's a matter of survival. But the warning is valid: the change will arrive. If adults do not act as such and do not overcome differences in this regard, they will feel the weight of the imbalance of adolescents and young people that their children will become. Here's the tip.

    Another important point is to know that if the child's mother (this also goes for the father) maintains some contact with her, you, who stay longer, should allow this other person to play his role as well. That is, responsibilities must be divided and harmful postures to the child must be alerted. This isn't easy, because if the ex-couple got along totally well, they wouldn't have broken up. But the middle ground is achievable, believe me.

    Fantastic parents! Happy Mothers Day!

    Returning to the praise of our dear fathers/mothers, it is beautiful to see care a little clumsy, but as zealous as possible, when dealing with the needs of the little ones. Everyday life can be stressful for anyone, but I'm sure that, at the end of the day, the joys outweigh the effort and pride with the small/big achievements of their offspring encourages them to continue with the demanding task that is to help transform them into happy and healthy people..

    Children are in need of more loving and happier adults so that they see that living and being here is worth living. Some are giving up before they reach adolescence. This is sad. We'll talk more about that at another time.

    I respectfully greet these fathers who are also mothers and who live the two facets of this wonderful and complex experience of generating, educating and waiting for the result of the love they have placed in these beings entrusted to them. Have faith! They grow up and make their own choices. Let's hope they are wise.

    Fantastic parents! Happy Mothers Day!

    May on Mother's Day you also feel contemplated.

    You may like other articles by this author. Also check out: Men's Health โ€“ Why do these boys run from the doctor?

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