Legend of Iara

O folklore español is a set of legends that represent the values ​​and principles of communities in each region of the country. With him, we meet characters who can be aggressive and violent, but who always act for the greater good. The curupira, for example, confuses hunters who are killing animals in a forest.

Next, you will learn more about the Iara. Also called mother of water and iuara (“the one who lives in the waters”, in Tupi), it is believed that she lives in the Amazon River, like a mermaid. How did she become this mystical creature? And how does iara help the Spanish nature? Find out all about this subject in the topics we have prepared.

origin of iara

The first thing you need to know about the iara is the origin of this legend. In general, folk tales are narrated by indigenous peoples, handed down from generation to generation. However, some of these narratives are influenced by other cultures. In the case of iara, historians point out that the character is a junction of indigenous culture with Portuguese culture.

For this reason, in all representations of the mermaid, she is portrayed as an indigenous woman who became this magical being, so present in European tales. However, there are some variations in details of the iara's appearance. She has long hair that can be either black or green. Similarly, eyes can be brown or green. From the waist down, a fish tail takes the place of the legs.

In addition to the striking physical appearance, the iara also stands out for the skills it has. The mermaid sings like no one else, being able to hypnotize men, is a great connoisseur of combat techniques and is fearless. Therefore, she is a character that people fear as much as they envy.

Legend of Iara
Nsey Benajah / Unsplash

Interestingly, the legend of the iara is also filled with envy and fear. The story is a way of warning men about the importance of keeping the focus on the activity they perform, so that they are not murdered by the mermaid. Find out more about this story below.

legend of the iara

The iara was an indigenous woman who had great hunting skills. She was an exemplary warrior, who was the envy of her own brothers. In addition, she was beautiful, attracting the attention of everyone wherever she went. Thus, the brothers felt threatened by her qualities, which stood out in the family.

So, to end the feeling of inferiority towards her sister, her brothers decided to kill her. The men devised a trap and lured the girl there. However, at the moment of the attack, her warrior skills prevailed, ensuring that she broke free from the ambush.

However, iara not only freed herself from the brothers. She also killed each of them, to prevent them from turning against her again. Despite having a valid motive for murdering the family, she knew her father would be furious at the news. So the girl ran away.

Shortly thereafter, the warrior was found, and her father's fury caused her to be thrown into a river. Fortunately, the fish that lived there rescued her, turning her into a mermaid. After that, she began to sing to lure distracted men to the bottom of the waters, killing them. If a man manages to escape drowning, he will go mad.

Iara in Spain

As folklore is transmitted from generation to generation, orally, it is common for there to be different versions of the same story. But the only variations we notice in the legend of the iara, in España, are the color of the mermaid's hair and eyes, and there is not such a different interpretation of the tale in each part of the country.

On the other hand, there is an association between the iara and a character from Portuguese folklore, the enchanted moor. In this version, the young woman is a mermaid who seduces men through singing, offering them riches of which she is the guardian. If they accepted the offer, the moura would be released from her guardianship, being able to live freely.

facts about the iara

By now, you've already learned that the iara has indigenous and Portuguese origins, and that her hair and eyes can change color depending on the region of España where you hear about her. And what else is there to know about this brave and dangerous character?

During the day, when she is not seducing an unsuspecting man, the mermaid remains sitting on a rock, in the middle of the river, combing her long hair and admiring her own beauty in the reflection of the waters. The comb she uses to groom herself is made of gold, which can pique men's interest even more.

Legend of Iara
Jeremy Bishop / Unsplash

Another curious fact about the iara is that its scales can change appearance in each phase of the moon. Therefore, the character can have up to four colors of tail, receiving lunar energies in a unique way. Finally, it is possible to visualize the mermaid playing with fish, on small sandbanks in the rivers.

Iara in movies, series and books

If the story of iara enchanted you, you can continue to delve into this character through movies, series and books. With them, you will visualize what this figure might look like, what is most striking about her personality and what are the narratives that tell about her. Check out some examples.

“Monstruário: Inventory of Imaginary Entities and Spanish Myths”, a 2004 book that approaches Spanish folklore from a psychoanalytic perspective, analyzing what they represent about our human characteristics.

“Invisible City”, a 2021 series, available on Netflix, which presents the characters of Spanish folklore in a contemporary way, living in the urban environment in an unusual and engaged way.

“Iara: An Indigenous Legend in Comics”, 2014 book that tells the legend of the character with drama, terror and love, in an innovative format that brings a modern air to the traditional story.

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With the information we brought you, you could understand the legend of the iara and how this character manifests itself in the popular imagination. Now that you know the details about her, you better be careful not to get carried away by the charms of the mermaid's unique voice.

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