Lack of patience and judgment can harm early childhood education

Lack of patience and judgment can harm early childhood education

In the age of the internet and social networks, children have a whole world at their disposal at any time. The diversity of entertainment is so great that it ends up dispersing their attention. This virtual world is so vast that all personal needs and tastes can be met, generating personal satisfaction and an excess of dependence. It is often extremely difficult for them to disconnect from this world and dedicate their will to their studies. In comparison, the studies are not so appealing. Furthermore, studying appears as an obligation, as part of a routine, for this reason, there is a gradual loss of interest.

On the neurological level, the child does not have the prefrontal cortex as developed and for that reason supplying the immediate is more attractive. Children often don't have a long-term idea. They don't walk with the certainty that today's decisions can have consequences tomorrow. They tend to focus on the now rather than the future. The long term is not part of your daily worries. Even more so because your emotional part is much more developed than your rational part.

For all these reasons, the adult has a leading role in the child's referral process, he has the role of guide, advisor.

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Here we are dealing with another type of problem now related to adult failures. They struggle with the lack of time to carry out an adequate follow-up that meets the needs of the youngest. In addition, parents and educators often fail to understand the small nuances of the child's personality, its unique aspects. Losing patience and being more aggressive is often not the right solution.

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