Education is individual and not plural

We are in the age of the selfie, in the age of the social network user, in the age of personal and digital identity. It is we doubly as a real being and a virtual being, who merge and complete. Nowadays, it is already extremely difficult to dissociate one from the other, since our โ€œvirtual selfโ€ is a concrete reality.

Exactly because there has been a big change in paradigms and realities, education is outdated, whether that of parents, the government or private institutions. Time is different, and adaptations have to be made, today more than ever, as change is almost daily. The world runs at a speed we have never experienced in our human existence. We have to educate children as a persona, a unique, directed individual. Each one needs a role to fulfill, distinct, of a personal nature.

There is, today, more than in any historical period, the possibility of creating individualized education cycles based on all the technological potential. This technology should be seen as an ally and not as something to counter. We are, nowadays, also a product of the technology we use and consume. Ultimately, man shapes himself through what he creates. And education must be shaped differently from what we are used to until then.

Education is individual and not plural
Photo of Julia M Cameron on Pexels

Students must stop being seen as a whole, as a homogeneous mass that behaves and thinks in the same way. The time is for change. The particularities of each student must overlap with a whole made up of the cluster. The student, the being that is before us, must be seen in his particularities, he must be motivated to develop his abilities, the areas of his interest and where he is particularly remarkable. Teaching should be done at your own pace, exploring the best of each one, and only in this way can we make the most of all the resources we have.

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Everyone has a role in this change, from parents to teachers, including government bodies. This effort must be joint in order for it to actually work. Educational development (individual and collective) involves a broad capacity to think, find solutions and produce. Our society would be much more advanced and would face many problems if we had minds that thought differently. Formatting does not bring anything positive, formatting does not bring innovation. The results appear much more often if given the opportunity to explore, experiment and try new paths and ways.

The individual must be treated exactly like that, in a special way, because he is unique.

Education is individual and not plural
Photo de Arthur Krijgsman no Pexels

Each of us has something to add, a unique idea, a unique thought, a solution, a different way of presenting the same idea from a different perspective: to give the opportunity for a discussion, for a sharing, to take us further, further. The educational role is and must be this: to give foundations, to teach how to think and not teach what to think, it must provide a basis and support for them to grow within their individuality, but in a strong and safe way.

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