daily disturbance

    We are still in the period of staying at home more than walking around. Some time ago, the meaning of staying at home could be translated as living moments of peace and rest.

    Well… I have the impression that this concept is totally outdated at the moment. If you are fortunate enough to be able to carry out your work functions in the comfort of your home, without having to travel and be more exposed to the virus, without using public transport, without providing direct service to your customers, you may be subject to the noise of “ pandemic reformers.

    In addition to the fact that many people transfer work activities, which were previously carried out in offices, stores, workshops, among other places, into the house, it gives me the impression that the restlessness and the sameness of this forced stay has made many people seek to modify the environment literally. Another reason is the impossibility of spending money on travel, clothes, perfumes or other frivolities that people who have the deepest pockets find essential to do in life.

    This is where the everyday disturbance that entitles this text comes from.

    daily disturbance
    1388843 / Pixabay / Canva

    The other day, I was listening to a radio via social network, which has also become a habit in these many months that I am more at home than on the street. One of the anchors broadcast the program from the balcony of his own apartment. Controlling family noise may even have been an easy task, establishing rules for movement and access to the place used for work. However, how to control a neighbor who decided to renovate the entire property with endless hammering, crazy drills and ceramic tile cuts? A noise that could be clearly heard on the program, you can already imagine how much it contributed to deconcentrate the aforementioned presenter, who professionally tried hard to keep calm and work in peace! And within the individuality that we are all entitled to have, community life becomes a terror.

    It is a daily struggle, using headphones, to try to reduce the impact caused by the external aggressor phenomenon. Often, even this artifice is not enough to alleviate the situation. But it will be possible to have a conversation with the neighbor, so that the works are finished soon or are carried out at another time, without going beyond the condominium rule. Just a detail: those who live at home suffer a little more, because there are no regiments similar to condominiums. Common sense and the rule of good neighbor are more important, sometimes quite absent in the interaction between the parties.

    In the case of the presenter, it may be possible, since the program is done in the early hours of the morning. But bricklayers usually start their routine early too, right?

    But… what about those who work all day in front of a computer, with countless online meetings? Or the students, who are already having so many difficulties concentrating to attend some interminable classes, still without social contact? And we can also remember the people who are still sick, affected by COVID or another disease, which may have been complicated, because they left for later that necessary trip to the doctor, because they were suffering from something that was already happening before the pandemic or even as problems secondary to contagion.

    daily disturbance
    MilanMarkovic / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    Living in community is not only a movement of empathy that we are still having to identify and learn how to do well. It's not just meeting at the elevator door or in the hall and greeting with the current smiling eye greetings. Remembering that one's own need or desire can put the peace of others at risk can affect recovery from pathological or mental problems, so shaken in these years of 2020 and 2021.

    In addition to endless works, with the possibility of one neighbor finishing and the other starting, we have disagreements, which were accentuated due to the longer time of coexistence in the same environment. There are the most diverse discussions, from the seasoning of the food that was not good to the fact of not properly protecting oneself, as the protocol guides. Or because someone feels overloaded with the excess of domestic service, or because someone is spending too much light, since the supply has been priced very high by the current monopoly.

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    The moment calls for a little more quiet. We are all suffering from strong pressures. Without knowing when we will really get rid of these shackles, this constant fear, this threat that has been around us since the beginning of last year, with high hopes for vaccination, so fought by certain people, with financial instabilities, political madness, we have overflowed our feeling through quite striking actions, such as screaming, diving into addictions, depression or simply the need for real isolation without protocol.

    Returning to the excess of noise that we cannot control, it is vital that we look for quick and effective solutions so that the much-desired peace and silence return to the restricted environment where we are living. Perhaps a direct request, a frank dialogue with said neighbor will be enough to resolve the impasse. Doing the impossible to reach the objective that is now so essential implies a movement of thinking about the other, not simply empathy, because heads think in different ways, but exposing the problem to those who, even innocently, had not stopped to think about what really happened. could cause to other people around the residence itself.

    If you are experiencing this torment in your daily routine, have you ever tried to open up a dialogue with your noisy neighbor? Did you have any results? Tell me, I'm curious!

    After all, it is necessary to validate the famous statement: “Home sweet home”.

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