Documentaries on Netflix to Expand Consciousness

If you are looking for new content to watch, because you are tired of seeing the same thing, like meaningless soap operas that lower our vibration, movies and series that have lost their fun, this post is for you.

So settle down in your armchair and choose the first documentary to start a journey of content that makes sense for your life. I promise not to indicate “The Secret”, because, for sure, you have watched it at some stage in your life. ☺

Maris – Cura pela Yoga (I Am Maris: Portrait of a Young Yogi)

Documentaries on Netflix to Expand Consciousness

A beautiful and inspiring documentary! From pain to love. At 17, Maris Degener is a yoga teacher, writer and survivor. After suffering from life-threatening anxiety, depression and anorexia nervosa, Maris finds her own path to healing and self-acceptance. Through fearless and authentic witness, personal art and poetry, and a devout practice of yoga, she travels from despair to inspiration. If you still have doubts that Yoga is capable of transforming lives, I invite you to start practicing and see its effects throughout the days.

“Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru” 

Documentaries on Netflix to Expand Consciousness

Tony Robbins, in the documentary “I Am Not Your Guru”, presents in practice what many people had only seen in theory. The great transformation at the personal level through highly effective techniques for behavioral change. Tony claims that our belief system is what really differentiates ordinary people from extraordinary people. Ordinary people have common beliefs. Extraordinary people have extraordinary beliefs. Many remarkable stories are shared throughout the documentary by the participants themselves. It's just exciting!

Heal - The Power of the Mind 

Documentaries on Netflix to Expand Consciousness

The incredible ability that human beings have to create their own reality through the mind. The latest science reveals that we are not victims of immutable genes, nor should we have a frightening prognosis. The reality is that we have more control over our health and our lives than we have been taught to believe. A spiritual and scientific journey into the nature of the human body and its extraordinary ability to heal.


Documentaries on Netflix to Expand Consciousness

What is happiness to you? Happiness and well-being have been the subject of studies and many surveys, which have revealed surprising findings. See the most varied examples of people around the world who are considered happy and see what you can do to be happier. Spoiler: It's simpler than we think.


Documentaries on Netflix to Expand Consciousness

The documentary addresses the importance of veganism and the impacts of the agricultural industry from a different and alert perspective. The main message is about the urgent need to reduce meat consumption to save the planet. Several studies show the benefits of a vegetarian diet for human health. Faced with all the impacts on the environment and on our health, the challenge remains to change habits to reduce meat consumption. What is put on the plate can be a revolutionary act. By choosing what is on your table, you are also deciding some of the directions the planet will take.

Brene Brown 

Documentaries on Netflix to Expand Consciousness

In this inspiring talk, American researcher Brené Brown talks about the importance of overcoming fears and expectations to live with courage, commitment and purpose. “To live fully means to embrace life from a sense of self-love. That means cultivating enough courage, compassion and bonding to wake up in the morning and think, 'No matter what I do today or what I don't do, I am worthy.' And going to bed at night and saying, 'Yes, I'm imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn't change the truth that I'm also brave and deserving of love and acceptance.'

Then tell me which one you liked the most?

If by then new documentaries are released, comment here with us.

Kisses and until next time. ☺

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