new father

A father is on the straight path when all he does is for the good of his children and not for the gross desire of his ego.

Let go of your emotional baggage and put something new in front of you, which must be created especially for your children. One should not try to reproduce the upbringing of one's own parents, one should not try to mold the son or daughter to his or her liking, to make him or her a little copy of himself.

new father

Little is said about parenting mistakes, but talk to a psychologist, psychoanalyst or family constellator. A good part of the imbalances in the lives of adults comes from parenting, disagreements, pressure, demands, too much care, attachment, indifference.

To be a father, a good father, you have to be ready or at least be very aware of your own relationship with your parents so you don't repeat the negative patterns that caused you so much trouble. Let go of all the baggage received from society of what is right or wrong, what should or should not be a parent, what is good or bad for a child.

new father

Every child is a little diamond waiting to be cut, and most parents don't have any tools for this delicate work.

Children are molded into a shape already smeared by social standards. Little robots being educated in the so-called schools in order to kill each day the vital essence that makes these little beings original.

Everyone feels that something is wrong in the world, but they always look the wrong way, point the finger at each other, “the problem is so-and-so”, “the problem is the government”, “in my time it was different”, “the 'devil' has taken over the world”. But nobody looks at the root cause of the whole problem. Yourself.

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Above said about the big problems that adults face due to careless parenting. This is the big problem with not understanding your relationship with your parents in depth, because any problem with them can and very certainly will be replicated in the raising of your own children. If you look at why you were raised by your parents the way you were, you'll see that they just replicated the way you were raised, with the father more likely to repeat that. Exceptions are usually found where parents identify how and where they suffered in childhood, and work in some way on it, thus taking care not to project the same onto their children.

new father

And how to be a new father? The New Age father?

First of all is to become a good son, a good brother, a good friend, a good boyfriend, a good husband, a good man. Be the best for yourself, take care of yourself, work through any trauma or difficulties you have with your parents, heal wounds from that past. Be ready to take on the new responsibility in life, which is to guide a new soul that comes to experience this beautiful and chaotic world.

Keep up with the changes in the world and change together. Anything that remains stagnant will be dragged along without mercy or mercy, that's how evolution works. It will happen whether you like it or not. Adapting and growing applies to all areas of life, and the standards of what it means to be a parent have changed for some time, although many resist understanding and/or accepting.

new father

Well, these were some words of what I, in my experience, consider important for the long awaited time of becoming a father. I want to be ready to make the right decisions in the delicate task of guiding this little being who will come trusting me so that his first years on this earth will be of love and understanding.

A kiss to all parents and may awareness expand.

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